Monday, June 25, 2012


We are more than halfway through this two week AT and I feel stupid and ridiculous even feeling like this. I am exhausted. Words can't even describe the exhaustion. I am just tired. Tired of doing everything around here. Don't get me wrong, I do most everything anyway, but the at least Michael is normally here to give me a 5 minute reprieve.

Not to mention Patrick is starting to get a stubborn streak in him. He is also starting to hit. I am torn as to what to do with that. I have been smacking his hand and firmly saying "No." I would much prefer a timeout to hitting. It doesn't make sense to me...hitting him because he hit me. Don't get me wrong, I believe a kid needs a good spanking every now and then (if the need arises) but Patrick is too little to understand a time out. Any suggestions?

Today, he was hitting his head against the wall (Why?) so I moved him from the wall and tried to distract him with other toys. Well he didn't like that, came over and smacked my leg! I said, "No, we don't hit Mommy." To which he smiled, and hit me again! Ughhh. Then I smacked his hand and sat him on the carpet away from me, again saying 'No.' He cried that time, but then came right back and did it again! What do I do?

By the end of the day I am spent and my patience is gone. I feel so bad getting short with him or yelling, when he is so little and doesn't understand why I am doing it. After bath time today he would NOT sit still long enough for me to get his diaper on, even after handing him everything I had in arms reach to distract. I yelled at him, and he started crying. My heart hurt. Seriously. But what do I do? After I put him down for bedtime, I felt so bad I went back up and rocked him.

When I tell Michael he always suggests getting my parents to watch him for a bit. Well that's nice, but then I feel like a failure. Why can't I watch him and just handle it. It's two weeks for crying out loud. I did it for a whole freaking year and survived and I am struggling with TWO WEEKS. What the hell would I do if he deployed?

Ugh. For now I am going to have a glass of wine and feel like the WMOY...Worst mom of the year.

1 comment:

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