Sunday, January 30, 2011

Growing Impatient!

I am starting to get more and more excited about Patrick coming! I have under three months now, and I think my husband and I say everyday, "I can't believe we are going to have a baby." It truly is a little miracle. I can't wait to see who he is going to look like (I am guessing Michael), or who he is going to act like (Probably me!).

For the near future though, I hope he stays in there! I still have so much to do. I tried to touch up the paint in his room so I can get his name on the wall and a cute little quote that I ordered. Of course, since we have 18 shades of beige in our house, it doesn't seem to match. Nothing can ever be simple! Someone said I can take a chip of the paint to the store and they can match it. Keep your fingers crossed!

The only thing we have left in his room is Michael's dresser that he uses. As soon as we get our furniture, we can rearrange and move that out too. The refinance of our house should be complete this week, so we will order the furniture. I am getting so excited! I really want that new furniture, but I really want to get Patrick's room in order too! Just in case!

Other than that, things are good around here. I finished my Master's +30 back in December and received confirmation from our Department of Ed. A pay raise is in my future! School is going good - the kids are doing well, and we have testing coming up this week. Always a stressful time, but I think they will do well. I found out I won't be here for their last round of testing in May. I thought they tested earlier and was relieved that I would be there for it, but I had my dates wrong. I know I can't control it, but I would feel much better if I was there for it!

We have a busy week coming up....we get to see Patrick tomorrow for his growth scan, we start Labor and Childbirth class on Tuesday and then a regular appointment on Friday. Oh my!

Friday, January 28, 2011

28 Weeks

How Far Along - 28 weeks; Welcome to the third trimester!
Size of Baby - Almost 14.8 inches long and weighs around 2 1/4 pounds! We will get a more accurate reading on his weight on Monday when we go for our monthly growth scan!
What the baby can do this week- He can blink his eyes and see light that filters through my tummy. His brain is adding billions of neurons and he is putting on that baby fat.
Total Weight Gain - 16 pounds
Maternity Clothes - Yes! I have found a pair of tights that are so comfortable. I have a few long sweaters and shirts I can wear with them, and plan on finding more.
Gender - A baby boy! Patrick James
Sleep - Very good! I don't know if it is my cold, or the extra weight but apparently I am snoring. I am keeping my poor husband awake at night. Sorry but Mommas got to sleep!
What I Crave - Cereal!
Symptoms - Nothing right now...he is really kicking up a storm recently though!
Baby Purchases - Hangers and a cute little outfit. I just couldn't resist!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This and That

Today I had the most amazing massage! I received a gift certificate from my hockey girls a while back, and finally got around to using it. Best. Gift. Ever. It was an hour of pure bliss, and I must admit I feel absolutely amazing.

I have had massages before, and don't get me wrong, they were great, but this one was just ....better. Maybe it's because I am carrying 16 extra pounds and a basketball in front of me. It is the only time I have ever scheduled a follow up massage right then and there for next month. Not only that, but she told me that she always gives her 'Mommies to be' a free one hour massage once the baby is here. Amazing!

Today we had a half day for students, and the rest of it in-service for teachers. Tomorrow is all day in-service and FREE breakfast! I will take it! It's the little things people!

Up to 7 items on the Target registry that have been bought, still 0 on Babies-R-Us. But who's counting? :)

I met with the coordinator of the program I am teaching for at the local University yesterday! I am currently designing a course to be taught by yours truly all online this summer. This will be perfect with Patrick here. A great way to make some extra money all from home! Love it. I am also scheduled to teach the same class next Fall and Spring!

Life is good.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Registry Stalker

Michael and I registered back in December right around Christmas time. I was so excited (and a bit overwhelmed) during the process. Seeing all of the little itty bitty items made it even more real. I can't wait until he is here!

The invites for the shower have not gone out yet (that I know of!), but I still sign on to the registry to see if anything has been purchased, or if I have forgotten anything. I went on yesterday to double check the glider I registered for because Michael's grandmother is getting it for us. I wanted to make sure no one had purchased it yet (yeah right!). I was surprised when I logged on a saw that three items had been purchased!!! YAY!

Not just any three items, but the Pack and Play, the AWESOME swing and a set of little hooded towels. How exciting! My mom thinks I am ruining the surprise, but everything will still be wrapped won't it?

I can't wait to see what else is purchased as the months go on! We are truly blessed to have amazing family and friends!

Friday, January 21, 2011

27 Weeks

How Far Along - 27 weeks! The last week in the second trimester!
Size of Baby - Almost two pounds and about 14 1/2 inches long. About the size of a head of cauliflower!
What the baby can do this week- He sleeps and wakes at regular intervals, can open and close his eyes and can even suck his thumb. More and more brain tissue is developing which means his brain is very active right now! Even though his lungs are still very immature, they could function (with a lot of medical help).
Total Weight Gain - Not sure! Have a Doctor's appointment today.
Maternity Clothes - Yes! I have found a pair of tights that are so comfortable. I have a few long sweaters and shirts I can wear with them, and plan on finding more.
Gender - A baby boy! Patrick James
Sleep - Sleeping good...partly because I am exhausted. My low iron level doesn't help this at all! Hopefully after a week or so of taking my iron supplements I will start to get some more energy.
What I Crave - Cereal!
Symptoms - Heartburn, but I'm not sure what sets it off yet. I am exhausted and have to use the restroom more at night. FUN!
Baby Purchases - Nothing this week. I am ready for my shower because I really want to get his room squared away. Not only that, but we are waiting to buy our bedroom furniture until our refinance goes through, so the furniture we are moving to his room can't be moved yet because we are still using it!I am starting to get antsy!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Furniture Debacle

Michael and I are in the process of buying new bedroom furniture. We are so excited. The furniture we have, my parents were nice enough to let us take from my old room at their house. It is probably 15 years old, still in great shape, but it is time for a change!

We found a set that we fell in love with while we were up in Lancaster for a dinner show over Thanksgiving. I never thought I would like black furniture, but it is gorgeous! Those Amish can make some quality pieces of furniture. The bed has drawers underneath!

We love all the pieces in the set except the night tables. They were way too small for all of Michael's junk, I mean things that he keeps on it (Ipad, Ipod, phone, house phone, lamp).

So we went searching. We found nightstands that we fell in love with at The Dump, about a two hour drive from our house. This place has a ton of furniture and some really great deals. The best part about these nightstands is that the top drawer actually has electrical plugs in the drawer. This is awesome because I get so sick of seeing all of Michael's wires charging his gadgets. I need things to be clean! These drawers hide ALL of the wires, and not only that there is a night light! Great since I have to use the restroom in the middle of the night more and more these days!

We ordered them, and they came in last weekend. We made the trek up to the store to pick them up, and then headed straight home. We began to open the boxes, and OF COURSE, the first one we open has a crushed corner. I have absolutely no idea how it could have happened because the box was fine, as was the packing. This leads be to believe it was actually packed like that. Ridiculous. After spending 45 minutes on the phone with customer service, I was told we had to take it back to the store because we picked it up, they couldn't just send us another one.


As unhappy as that made us, we didn't really have a choice, so we went right back up the next day. (Thank goodness for a three day weekend). We get up there, the technician looked at it and said yes, we did need a new one, they couldn't fix it (No kidding!). We decided to just have it delivered because we did not want to travel four more hours up and back home. They proceeded to tell us that they don't deliver to our town, so they would have to have a different store send it, Fine. The would be $500 because we were the only delivery in that area. THEY ARE OUT OF THEIR MIND. THE TABLE DIDN'T EVEN COST THAT. At this point I thought my husband was going to lose his mind, and I was trying to keep my hormones in check.

In the end, my husband said we would take the floor model, and after some checking, it was determined that we could have it. Thankfully we don't have to drive up there again. I don't think I will ever buy anything from there again. So annoying!

At least they look good in our bedroom!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Test Results

I would like to say, first of all, that all test results from a Doctor should be given in the morning, well before the office closes. This ensures that every patient has time to field the call, listen to the message and return the call to get said test results.

With this being said, let me tell you about MY experience!

Yesterday, Michael and my parents and I went to a 4:15 movie. My Doctor called at 4:30 and left a message saying, "Hi Kelly, can you call our office as soon as you can in reference to your test results." I received this message, of course, AFTER the movie, AFTER the office closed at 5:00 so I couldn't call and see what was going on. I figured my test was off since normally if everything is within normal ranges they don't even call. No news is good news.

On Friday, I had my 1 hour glucose screening done, so of course I knew that's what it was about. I figured I had failed the test, and now needed to do the three hour glucose tolerance. Then the thought of having gestational diabetes started running through my head, and my Type A kicked into overdrive. I started looking up everything, possible problems with me and little Patrick and I felt my heart starting to have palpitations. In case you are new here, I am Type A and want everything to be perfect. The thought of screwing up little Patrick made me really upset. Of course gestational diabetes CAN be treated very easily, but that didn't stop me from having a mini panic attack.

This morning I called the office as soon as they were open, and of course the Doc wasn't there. Luckily I got a phone call a half hour later from the office. The Doc told me that my glucose screening actually came back perfectly normal, it was my blood work that she wanted to talk to me about. In my panic attack I had complete forgotten about the routine blood panel I had done as well. Apparently my Iron is low and I need to start taking a supplement.

REALLY? I really wish this had been left on a message so I could have slept last night!

I am so relieved and even better, no three hour test for me!

Friday, January 14, 2011

26 Weeks

How Far Along - 26 weeks! Only 14 to go, holy cow!
Size of Baby - About 14 inches and 1 pound 12 ounces (The weight is a little off since he weighed that about two and a half weeks ago!) The size of an English hot house cucumber????
What the baby can do this week- He is still putting on the baby fat, is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid which will get him ready to take his first breaths. Also, since we are having a boy, his testicles are descending into his scrotum. Needed to know THAT didn't you? HA
Total Weight Gain - 11 pounds (as of the last DR appointment, but I am sure since Christmas and break it is more) We go again next Friday which I am NOT looking forward to. Well the weigh in anyway, hearing the heartbeat is always great.
Maternity Clothes - Yes! I have found a pair of tights that are so comfortable. I have a few long sweaters and shirts I can wear with them, and plan on finding more.
Gender - A baby boy! James Patrick
Sleep - Sleeping much better. I figured out how to position the pillow just right. Putting it in between my legs wasn't working, so instead I just make sure it is under just my belly. I did it last night and I slept GREAT!
What I Crave - Chocolate and grapes. Not at the same time.
Symptoms - My stomach is starting to poke out. I hugged Michael today and realized I can't get as close as I used to :( I really miss my tight hugs. Ahhh, at least its for a good cause!
Baby Purchases - None this week! I did get an outfit from a colleague though that is too cute! I will be looking into invites for the shower this week though. I volunteered to do the invites so I could know when the shower was going to be (I hate surprises), but it didn't work. I had to promise to only pick out the invites and then Michael will fill in the info. Darn it!

I also have my 1 hour gestational diabetes test today...that should be fun! I am anxious to find out the results next week. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Look

I have had the same background for quite a while now and thought I needed a little change. How appropriate that this one is called "Baby Boy Blue." Getting ready for Patrick!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I hardly every make resolutions. Mainly because by the time March roles around they have long been forgotten. This year I actually took the time to sit and think about it for a minute. What did I want to achieve or change this year? What goals could I have for myself?

2011 is going to bring so many changes into our lives, ones that I look forward to. The birth of our son is obviously top on the list. I can't wait to meet the little man, especially because I am tired of going to the restroom all the time!

I have a Type A personality. My mind is constantly running a list of things that I need to complete, or events that are coming up. I will wake up at 2 in the morning to use the restroom and then lay awake thinking about events for the next day. I almost have to tell my mind to STOP and go to sleep. Because of this, one of my goals is to RELAX. I think I have always done a good job of leaving work at work, but I also teach college courses so when one of those is taking place, I am constantly online checking on them (Not being THAT teacher, just making sure they are ok and all of my wording on things is clear and they know what is expected).

I need to learn that I cannot control everything in my life (as much as I want to). Whatever is going to happen, will, and there is nothing I can do about it. The most I can do is the best I can everyday, and leave everything else up to His will. I did this with teaching at the new school and it has worked out in my favor. (Yes, I still worried, but I thought I did a pretty good job).

With the arrival of Patrick I want to slow down and cherish my family. Facebook will be limited, blogging will be limited. It is the first summer in 12 years that I have off. I plan on taking time for myself for a change and really relaxing. Spending as much time as possible with Patrick, unplugging from the world and taking day trips with my new family of three and documenting everything on film. Telling my husband more that he is appreciated (even when I am hormonal).

I want to start taking better care of myself. This includes RELAXING, getting rid of the stress I put on myself to be as accomplished as possible and perfect in everything I do, getting a good post baby workout going, and eating better. Of course I can't wait to enjoy my glass of wine again. That isn't going anywhere.

I don't know if these are resolutions, or even if any of this makes sense. I feel like it's a jumbled mess, but this is what I hope to accomplish this year. Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Victory is Mine!

We always knew the two names that we would be calling our baby if he was a boy. Patrick and James. There has also always been debate about the order in which these names would go. We decided we wanted to call him Patrick, but Michael was adamant about having James first. His Grandfather's name is James is a huge part of his life, practically raising him.

Michael decided on James Patrick, still calling him Patrick. For months I have had to explain this to people and why we were going with the middle name. I really didn't care, I just thought it would be easier the other way around for myself and Patrick! Not to mention the lectures I got about calling him by his middle name were quite annoying. Almost making me want to keep it James Patrick just to prove a point.

Last night, as we were shopping Michael casually mentions that he has changed his mind and now wants Patrick James. YESSSSS. No more explaining! Of course, he had to throw in the dig that he decided this after he talked to his Mom about it. REALLY!!!!! I have told him this for MONTHS and couldn't change his mind. How annoying!

Oh well, I guess I should just thank her since my life (And Patrick's) will now be much easier!

Friday, January 7, 2011

25 Weeks

What a wonderful week! Received the job placement I wanted, and my baby is still growing and healthy!

How Far Along - 25 weeks! Time is flying.
Size of Baby - About 13 1/2 inches long and 1.5 pounds (The weight is a little off since he weighed that about a week and a half ago!) He is about the size of a rutabaga. Whatever that is.
What the baby can do this week- He is starting to get some baby fat! His skin will start to smooth out and he will look more and more like a newborn as the weeks go on. I love pudgy babies! (Maybe not ones that I have to push out of me though....)
Total Weight Gain - 11 pounds (as of the last DR appointment, but I am sure since Christmas and break it is more)
Maternity Clothes - Yes! I have found a pair of tights that are so comfortable. I have a few long sweaters and shirts I can wear with them, and plan on finding more.
Gender - A baby boy! James Patrick
Sleep - Haven't been sleeping very good lately. I lay on my side for awhile, and when I wake up to roll to the other side, my muscles are really sore. I have a pillow propped underneath to help, but it still hurts! I also have been stressed about my job placement, but I am hoping the recent news will help a little. I know I am tired enough to sleep that's for sure!
What I Crave - Crumb cake...the kind you find at bakery's in Philly. YUMM
Symptoms - Feeling pretty good, acid reflux is still there a bit, and I am getting tired. I think my days of wearing heels are coming to an end. I wore them on Wednesday and my feet were very swollen at the end of the day.
Baby Purchases - Technically not for baby, but a GREAT bra that actually fits my porn star boobs (Yes, they are out of control). I bought three nursing bras in a slightly larger size because who knows if they will ever stop growing. I figure if I am going to spend the money on a new bra, I might as well buy a nursing one since I will need those anyway. Words cannot express how happy I am about my purchase!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Weight off My Shoulders

Our school district is building a new elementary school. Currently we have three, one is for K - 1 and the other two are 2 - 5. Since there is mandated all day kindergarten starting next year, it will all be housed in one building, the current K - 1 (Did you follow that?) The rest of the buildings, including the new one will be 1 - 5.

Now, since the students are being split up, my school will not have as many students as they do now, so the amount of teachers we have now will not be needed. Here is where the fun part begins. Teachers will need to be transferred to different buildings. They are taking volunteers to the new school first, then they are going up the seniority list, taking the least senior and working their way up and simply moving them if there are not enough volunteers.

I LOVE who I work with. I have worked with the same group of teachers in 4th grade for five years now and they are amazing. We get along well and have fun together, including going bowling and having great holiday parties! I didn't want to move. However, I am the second least senior teacher in the grade. Next year they will only need four 4th grade teachers in my school, we now have 8. There was no way I would be teaching 4th grade in my school next year. I had to ask myself, would I risk being in any grade just to stay at my school, or was 4th grade more important.

I had to weigh all my options. After thinking about it (and stressing) I decided to volunteer to go to the new school so I could teach 4th grade. To me, it was simple. If I had to teach a new grade, I would spend all kinds of time learning the new curriculum and being trained. Not something I want to spend my time doing when I have a newborn baby waiting for me at the end of the day. I made up my mind to voluntary transfer back in November. One teacher who teaches with me said he would go to. He wouldn't have had to go, he has seniority, but I am so thankful that he decided to take the plunge with me.

Since I decided and turned in my paperwork I have been stressing. If more then the allotted teachers applied for a grade, there would need to be interviews. We were to find out next week if we needed to interview and when. My stress level heightened this morning when I found out people had already heard about interviews for second grade! I knew my e-mail was coming.

By the grace of God I received an email from personnel at 8:49 this morning telling me that my transfer had been accepted and I would be teaching 4th grade at the new building. No need to interview! Words cannot explain how relieved I am. Moving will be somewhat of a pain, but I know that at the end of the day next year I can come home and not worry about added training. Not to mention the new school is going to be amazing with all kinds of technology!

I am so thankful.

Monday, January 3, 2011

House Update

So it's been awhile since I have talked about this subject! A quick recap for those of you who aren't up to date with our housing and lot situation.

We have lived in our duplex for four years now, and while we haven't outgrown it, we have always wanted to build our 'dream' house. If one good thing came out of Michael's deployment to Iraq, it was the money. He made MUCH more then he does teaching! With this money, and with me saving every penny, we have enough (can you every really have enough?) to build. Last March we closed on a lot in a wonderful neighborhood. We absolutely love the area and my parents bought the lot next door. (Before you judge, my parents and my husband get along wonderfully. They are not over bearing and know how to give space and not be in our business. Not to mention my Dad loves to cut the grass and said he would cut ours since he is our neighbor! Who is going to argue with that?)

When we closed on the lot, we also put our house up for sale. With the market the way it is, we had about three people come through in about 5 months, and we decided to take it off. After much debate we have decided to refinance since the rate is unbelievably low, and with the new mortgage payment we can rent it out. Renting out our house is a much better option for us then taking a probable $30,000 loss if we actually sold it right now. We put in our paperwork for the refinance last month, and have been waiting to see what happens. We found out it is going to go through, the last thing we have to get through is the house appraisal which scares me. We bought the house right before the market crashed, so there is no way we could get what we paid for it four years ago. With that being said, if the house doesn't appraise for somewhere close to what we still out I'm not sure what we are going to do from there.

We can't start building our dream house until we move out of this house, so I am getting a little antsy especially with Patrick on the way. In a perfect world I would have liked all of this to be finished before he arrived, but we all know life isn't perfect. Now our next problem (besides the appraisal) is when to rent. Do we try to rent it in June so we can start building sooner, or do we wait a year since we have the baby? I know moving with a newborn could be a nightmare, but I really am excited to build our house. So many things up in the air!

4 years ago we didn't want to rent because we would be 'throwing our money away.' Now, looking back, renting wouldn't have been so bad!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I can't believe that we have to go back to work tomorrow. It felt like this break absolutely flew by! It was a sad realization when I woke up at 7:30 this morning and realized I would already be out of the house and at work by that same time tomorrow. Looking forward to the weekend already!

We did a lot over break, but I would have liked to accomplish a few more things, especially in regards to Patrick's room. We need to move the bed out, and dresser that is in there now. I did take down all of the items on the wall, but I need to Spackle and get it ready to touch up the paint. We did put blinds up so that was exciting! I moved all of his clothes we have so far, and put them in the closet. He is going to be one well dressed baby! We also were able to finish registering (I think!) so that makes me feel a little better too.

It will all come together, I know, but my Type A is starting to kick in thinking about all of the items that need to get done in the next few months!