Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday, Monday

Well, the first day back wasn't as bad as I thought! We actually got a lot done and I left school feeling very productive. Surprising! Not only that, but Michael and I signed up at the gym, and I ran 1.5 miles for the first time in probably 4 months. Ahhh, I will be sore tomorrow! I am motivated right now, so that is good. Hopefully I can stay with it and accomplish the goals I have...we will see.

The Doctor has finally scheduled an appointment for my MRI to try to figure out what that bump on my neck is. The good news is it has gone down significantly, which leads me to believe its a lymph node and not a petroid (sp?) tumor like the Doctor thought. On the other hand, if it is my lymph node why is it so big? There has to be a reason somewhere....

Even though today was a good day, it won't stop me from counting down.....22 days until Christmas Break!

Today also marks the 2 year and 5 month anniversary of Michael and I getting married. (Yes, I am that dork that still counts months!) Love you Michael.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back Already?

I can't believe our min-vacation went by so quickly! I guess it always does, except for last year when I wanted it to go fast so I didn't have to be home alone on vacation...stupid deployment!

Overall, we had a great time...busy, but great. We actually got some Christmas shopping done (finally) without having to fight the crazies on Black Friday. I love online shopping. You beat the lines, crazy people, trying to find a parking spot and still able to get great deals. I still have a few people in my family to shop for, but other than that, we are ready....besides the wrapping!

Tonight we have Thanksgiving dinner with my family. My mom refuses to have it on the same day so we don't have to eat two big dinners (bless her). One more holiday dinner and the vacation is over :(

Only three weeks and two days until the next one...but who's counting?!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day!!!

Today is a day to spend with family and friends, and that's just what we are going to do! Even though we had a 'Thanksgiving' right before Michael left last year, it just isn't the same. We are starting the day by having brunch with some friends from school, then to spend time with our families. I would say I can't wait for the dinner, but I don't really like Thanksgiving dinner (I know, shocking).

Today is also about giving thanks, but I am thankful everyday. Every morning when I wake up to Michael cuddling up in bed, I am thankful.

I hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today at 2:25, my 22 little cherubs were on buses, in cars, or walking home...and not coming back for 5 days! I think teachers look forward to breaks more then students do sometimes. I have done as much work as I possibly could the last two days so I didn't have to spend my vacation glued to a computer.

I also found out today that when I finish these 5 classes I am taking to earn a +15, I will have a second Master's. All I have to do is apply for graduation! Maybe I will see how many I can accumulate! HA

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Could be a Doctor

So I dragged my husband into the doctor today to hear the results of my CT scan last Friday. (I brought him for moral support of course! He wasn't getting out of this!) Are you ready for this?

They couldn't read it. Or more importantly, they could, but they don't know what it is. Nice.

So instead, I get to have a MRI done so hopefully it will be more clear. AHHH

On a better note, only one school day left until Turkey Day Break! I am trying to get as much work done as possible between now and tomorrow so I don't have to do anything over break. Wishful thinking of course!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Date Night

Before my husband came home, I decided that when he did, we would have a date night every week. I know how busy our schedules can get during the week, and I still want us to be able to sit down and actually talk to each other over dinner, rather then ordering out, cleaning up, cooking, etc. Every marriage needs to be worked out, and I think nights like these are wonderful for talking and just relaxing with each other.

Tonight was no different. My wonderful husband took me to a restaurant at the beach which was very good. I love just sitting and talking with him. I feel like we are dating again as we just sit and laugh and talk to each other. I don't know exactly what it is, but I just fall in love with him even more. After the week I have had I needed it tonight. I had my CT scan this afternoon and should get news on Monday from the Doc.

Meanwhile, tomorrow, we have our first reintegration for the unit. It is at the local hotel/casino/raceway. Michael is excited because he can actually gamble as they don't have to be in uniform. I was excited, even though tomorrow is going to be a long day, because I could at least stare at him in my day will be longer :( But at least we will be together, we get food (GOOD food) and Michael gets paid. Very thankful for our lives.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No Help

After thinking about it more and more, I really didn't want someone draining anything until they knew for sure what it was (yes that lovely bump I have). I scheduled an appointment with an ear, nose and throat doc, and they were nice enough to fit me in today!

After leaving, I didn't feel any better. At first he was sure it was my saliva gland, but after knowing it doesn't hurt when I chew or swallow, he was less confident. He went through the list of things it could be (which didn't help at all), and scheduled a CT as soon as possible. They will let me know when that is tomorrow, and meanwhile I sit here trying not to freak out.

My family doctor still hasn't called with blood results, but my ENT doctor was able to pull it right from the computer since I got it done at the hospital. If it's finished, why hasn't my family doctor called yet? Nice. My white blood cell count is a little elevated, but nothing major apparently.

I need a drink.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well, we returned from 83 degree weather back to chilly Philly on Sunday. Overall it was a great trip. Not very relaxing, and with a few misunderstandings and annoyances, but still it was great to get away for a week. We even got to ride Space Mountain, which was supposed to be closed until next week for refurbishment, but we got to ride during a test ride. It made my husbands vacation to say the least!

On a side note, about 5 weeks ago, I noticed a hard pea sized lump underneath my right ear by my jaw bone. I went to the Doc and he said nothing to be worried about, probably just a lymph node and he told me to take some over the counter medicine. Flash forward to now and the pea sized lump is now at LEAST triple the size and PAINFUL. I went back to the Doc yesterday, who ordered blood work and sent me to another doctor for next Wednesday to have it drained. He thinks it may be a cyst but isn't sure. Either way I want it gone, and it is started to make me look completely weird. I am trying to arrange my hair so you can't see it :(

Say a little prayer, and I will let you know when I know more.

Monday, November 9, 2009


I have made all the phone calls, arranged for the one extra person going tomorrow, finished all my work, and packed (ok not entirely, but I can't pack anymore until tomorrow morning!)

As of 3:15 tomorrow morning, we are DISNEY bound. Ok, maybe not that early, but that's what time we have to leave our house (Why did we book such an early flight? Damn) Our flight leaves at 7 and my wonderful husband upgraded us to First Class....YAY! I am hoping the huge seats will help me sleep.

I am taking my computer, but I don't know if I will be on here at all as I will be trying to relax and enjoy my week off!

80 degree weather, and we come!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Disney FUN

So in 48 hours I will be in the Magic Kingdom! I need to get out of this place for awhile. When Michael came home on leave for two weeks in June, it was an amazing time. I didn't have to work for the first time since I was probably 16, and we slept in and did whatever we wanted.

That being said, it wasn't a vacation.

I was still here, and for two weeks, I dreaded the moment I would have to send him back to that sh**hole.

Tuesday morning, we will be on a flight out of here! As of today, one more person was added to our trip, which means I need to call tomorrow to add her to the room, add the meal plan and get another Christmas pass (Yes, we are going to a Disney Christmas party). I also need to finish all my work for class, finish packing and try to sleep before I get up at the butt crack of dawn.

Maybe I will feel better about all of this when my plane leaves the tarmac. Right now, I am frustrated at the work.

I may need a vacation from the vacation.

My husband already knows how I feel about this, so this post shouldn't be a surprise. Instead, he should be planning a trip to the Caribbean for me because I am such a great wife.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Weekend!

Well another weekend has rolled around, and I was able to get all of my classwork done before so it should be quite relaxing....besides cleaning, packing, sub plans and stressing about work for next week that I have to do Monday night before we catch out flight!

Today is going to be a good day though! My mom and I are going to the craft fair that is run by the Officer's Club at the local Air base. It is huge and we always find great deals. Then, we are meeting with our builder to try to get a final price. Later tonight, we are going to the brigade's honors dinner. Any event that I get to get dressed up for and see my husband in uniform is great! I will try to post pictures later!

Only three days until Disney! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Can't Imagine...

Preparing to send my husband to war, but still sleeping through the night because he is still in the US and then learning about a shooting at his readiness post. Today at Fort Hood, an Army Major opened fire on a readiness facility killing 12 soldiers and wounding 31.

I have no idea what was going through this soldiers mind. Our soldiers are already stressed because they might have to prepare for deploying to a war zone, but to worry when they are in the United States? Ridiculous. This is where they are supposed to be safe, and not have to worry about the enemy. Today, unfortunately, their enemy was right next to them. What a senseless act.

Tonight my thoughts and prayers are with the families of those soldiers affected.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome November!

I can't believe that my husband has been home for one month! Time has gone by so quickly. Tomorrow he finally heads back to work, while I actually have a day off for school business! Poor thing. Don't worry, he won't be there for long, we leave for Disney next Tuesday!

I love this time of year. We turned our clocks back last night, so it gets darker earlier. I know some people hate it, but I love it. I love fall and winter and when it starts to get colder. I missed having Michael around last year during the holiday season, so I know I am going to cherish every moment this year.

Today we met with a designer to get our house plan finalized. It will take him about two to three weeks to get a preliminary to us and I can't wait to see what our house might look like. The next step after that would be to put a retainer on the piece of land we like, and put our house up for sale! What a big step. I am sure more news will be coming in the next few weeks!