Sunday, October 31, 2010

15 Weeks

Ok, I don't want this blog to be completely consumed by the baby, I want it to be about our life, which also includes my husband, work, our 'kids' of the four legged kind and things we do together. However, my life has been so busy recently I haven't had time to update about anything.

School has been insane lately. Between our Race to the Top Grant we won, all of the extra BS, crazy kids and of course field hockey, I feel like I hardly have time to breath. Michael has had class on Monday nights, I have games Tuesday and Thursdays, he has games Wednesday and Friday, you figure out when we can see each other!

Luckily, things are starting to relax a bit. Hockey will be over on Tuesday (with the way the girls played there is no way we are making the tournament, I hate to say I am relieved, but also very disappointed). Football is also winding down for Michael.

I would say I might actually start to see him, but my classes for Block 2 start his week. If you didn't think I was crazy before, you will now. I have class Monday night, which meets every week, I teach a class Tuesday nights - which we only meet three times, and I take another class Wednesday night - which only meets three times. The rest of those classes is online. Not too bed, but I am sure the next 7 weeks will be very interesting!

Me being an overachiever again, but after this 7 weeks I will have my Master's +30. It will probably be the last classes I get in before the baby. Remember I wanted to do as much as possible before the little one came along? Well I will have 3 more classes and an internship (I think) until I have my FINAL degree. I may try to squeeze one more in during Block 1 in the Spring. I just know once our little pumpkin comes along I think it will be hard to leave him/her. Of course, I may need a night out too! Even if it is to class! Only time will tell.

Ok, I have rambled on long enough - back to the topic.

Today I am 15 weeks and 2 days. We had a Doctor's appointment on Friday and everything is still going well. My BP went down a bit, enough to impress me, but not the Doctor. Oh well. The Bambino is still doing well. His/Her heartrate was in the 160's again, adn the Doctor said I was 'definitely pregnant,' whatever that means! I have gained 1.5 lbs total - I'll take it!

According to, the baby is about 4 inches long, and weighs around 2.5 ounces. Her legs are finally catching up to the rest of her body, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Apparently if I shine a flashlight on my stomach, she will move away from the light. Interesting! We could also technically find out if it is a boy or girl this week, but we are waiting until December. I am not very patient!

It is very exciting! And if that wasn't exciting enough, we have off of school on Tuesday for Election Day, and a half day on Thursday! I sense it is going to be a great week!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

14 Weeks

Ok, 14 weeks and 2 days now, but close enough!

This week, the baby is about the size of a lemon! I can't believe a lemon is in my stomach somewhere. How weird?! The baby can now squint, frown, pee and even suck his thumb. His little body is finally growing faster then his head, and by the end of the week his arms will be in proportion with the rest of his body. I can't believe how fast he is actually growing.

We have a Doctor's appointment on Friday. I love having these appoints because I can see or hear the heartbeat and it makes me feel better since I can't feel him moving yet, but I still hate waiting. I think if my BP is up this time, I am going to say something about making me wait so long. I mean really, who waits 45 minutes to have a finger prick done?

Meanwhile, we set the appointment to find out the sex of the baby! On December 2, I have to have a Level 2 ultrasound down, and the lady told me that we can find out then, since I will be around 20 weeks - as long as the little pumpkin cooperates!

I am still feeling good. My normal clothes still fit, but I did have to break down and buy a belly band. Basically it is a stretch piece of fabric that lets me unbutton my pants and still wear them. I had to! My dress pants for work were starting to hurt my stomach when I sat down! Ahhhh.

Have a great week! I, will be mourning my Phillies loss and looking forward to our Friday appointment!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Need to Spend Money

No, I really don't, but I want to. Ok, even that is probably wrong, I really don't want to, but I am going to....eventually.

Let me get to the point. Even before we knew we had a baby on board, Michael and I had discussed getting a new camera. We have a Sony cybershot that we bought three years ago to take on our honeymoon. When we first bought it, we l.o.v.e.d. it! It worked fabulously and took great pictures. It still takes great pictures, but it has been taking forever to actually take the picture. I thought I messed it up somehow by messing with the settings, but even with Michael returning it to factory settings (how does he find out how to do this stuff??) it still takes forever, and we end up missing shots. It is quite annoying.

Now that there is a bambino on the way, I need a new camera even more. I don't want to miss ANY pictures, and I want a camera that takes amazing ones. I have narrowed it down to a Nikon and Canon, but can't decide. I am also annoyed because two I am looking at have batteries. Cameras still have batteries? The last camera I had with batteries died so quickly and left me scrambling to purchase new ones while I was out. I have found a Canon that has a rechargeable battery but it more expensive.

I am looking for suggestions and advice. If I spend more money is it really going to take better pictures? Which brand is better, in your experience, Nikon or Canon?


Friday, October 15, 2010

13 Weeks

Well, the little munchkin is at 13 weeks and is roughly 2 inches long, and weighs....well, hardly anything! This week, the baby has fingerprints and his body is finally catching up with his head. I have to say, in the ultrasound, his big head did take up a majority of the picture. I guess he takes after his Dad! (Love you Michael.)

I am still feeling great! I still can't tell if my stomach is actually getting bigger or not. Every week I swear this is the week that I will notice a difference in the picture because I definitely feel bigger, at least by the end of the day. Then we take the picture, and my sweet husband says, "Yes, you can tell now!" Of course, when I go back and compare from the previous week I can't tell a damn thing! Ahhh. Everyone has told me enjoy it, because before you know it I won't be able to see anything south of the border! As long as the baby is healthy and growing, I don't care!

Because of my high blood pressure at my Dr's visits, I have the pleasure of peeing in a jug and collecting all of it for 24 hours! I am sure my husband will love opening the refrigerator and seeing that on Sunday! HA. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Until yesterday, I don't think I truly believed that in 6 months we would have a baby. Of course, I hoped, but my Type A personality constantly thought of things that could go wrong. With it being so early, there is no way to tell if everything is ok. I also haven't had ANY morning sickness (I know, you can slap me later!). Honestly it worried me! I had read that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy (I need to stop reading).

Two weeks ago, we got to hear the heartbeat, which put my mind at ease a little, and then yesterday we got those gorgeous pictures. It was the craziest, most exciting, and happy moment. My husband was up out of his chair looking at the monitor (It was very cute!) The baby will be 14 weeks on Friday so I feel much better being at the very end of the first trimester. The little one measured perfectly, and even bounced around a little, but otherwise sat very still for his picture. The technician talked about how he was such a good baby! (I say he because it's just easier, we actually have no idea!) The heartrate was nice and healthy at 163. Just amazing.

I have felt great, but my blood pressure at the Dr. hasn't been so hot. I blame it on the office. I wait 45 minutes, at least, every time I have an appointment. That's enough to make anyone's BP rise. The last time it was high because we were going to hear the heartbeat. My Type A personality was panicking, afraid we wouldn't hear on, so of course, high again. If they had taken it afterwards, I swear it would have been fine. And last time, it was high because I was worried it would be high. I knew if it was I would be in a bit of trouble. It was 137 over 87. Not super high, but not very good. Plus it's my FIRST pregnancy, I have NO idea what to expect!

Long story short, I am now classified as 'High Risk' because of it. I really don't think I have high BP because I feel great, no headaches or any symptoms. At least a good thing comes out of it - I get to have Level II ultrasounds which apparently are great. AND, they got done every 2 weeks so I get to see the little one more. I still worry about it growing properly and on schedule, but so far, he looks perfect. I guess I just need to relax and let things happen.

We go back in two weeks and get to hear the heartbeat again, and then I will have a sonogram shortly after. I can't wait to see him/her again!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sweet Delivery!

So the Easter bunny will be bringing more then just candy this year! We are so excited!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pumpking Picking!

Yesterday, my Mom and I went to a local orchard and picked pumpkins! I cannot believe that I have never been to pick pumpkins. I have always just run to Wal-Mart of a local stand and gotten them. I have to say that I will definitely be doing it every year. It was so much fun, even if the stems are a little pricklier then I thought! Not to mention the great picture opportunities. When we have kids we are definitely taking them there and plopping them in between pumpkins!

After picking our pumpkins, we went to the store on site and got fresh apples, pumpkin and apple cider donuts (which are to die for!) and little baby pumpkins. On Saturdays, they have live bands, hay rides, and face painting for the kids. It really was a lot of fun, even for this 26 year old! Now my house has mums in front and bales of hay with pumpkins. I am definitely ready for fall!