Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Riddance!

To 2008! It was a very interesting year for us, let's recap :

  • My mom retired from teaching! Her and Dad not vacation constantly!
  • Michael informed me he would be leaving for a year on this deployment.
  • We spent V-Day apart, as Michael was away for two weeks of training.

  • We celebrated David (my cousing) and Devin's wedding
  • I took Michael to visit Atlantic City for the first time (We lost too much money!)
  • We visited the Inner Harbor on our Spring Break
  • Jack (my brother) and Sarah got married!
  • Michael left for another week or so of training.
  • We got to attend the Military Ball! I love dressing up, plus he looks good in Uniform!
  • Justin (Mike's brother) graduated from High School!
  • Michael left for three weeks of training and missed my birthday (again!)
  • We celebrated good friends Courtney and Gabe's wedding
  • Michael and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary! 3
  • Michael, Jack, Sarah and I vacationed in Disney! The best place on Earth!
  • We started back to school, football and field hockey, with the deployment inching closer!
  • Michael stopped teaching and went full time to prepare at the unit.
  • We had his going away party. I think he had a good time, and Lord knows we had enough food!
  • The dreaded month! Michael began his 12 month deployment to Iraq.
  • I survived the first month!
  • Michael finished his Master's!
  • I got to see Michael for five wonderful days on leave. It was amazing!
  • We celebrated Turkey Day on opposite sides of the Earth :(
  • Michael arrived at his final destination on his tour.
  • We celebrated Christmas on opposite sides of the Earth :(
  • I finished my Master's!
We have had a very busy, and emotional year. Although I can't wait to get out of 2008, I have to say it has made our relationship stronger, and I have learned that I am capable of many things! I unclogged a toilet by myself today! I am proud of myself and my husband, and look forward to all the wonderful things to come in 2009!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Even from around the world, my amazing husband has made my Christmas a good one. I was excited to get to my in-laws house this morning because I knew a present from Michael, which he ordered from Helzberg Diamonds, was waiting! Of course, my wonderful brother-in-law had put the box inside three other boxes, and did an amazing job of taping. After much swearing, laughing and keying, I successfully opened the boxes! Michael got me a white gold claddagh ring. It is an Irish tradition that stands for friendship, love and loyalty. I have had other ones, but they have broken and gotten lost. I have said many times I wanted a nice one, and Michael remembered! He also got me a gift certificate so I can go shopping at the beach!

I was able to talk to him a few times today, and he wasn't in the best of moods, which is understandable, but after talking to his family he seemed better. I love Christmas, but I couldn't wait to get this one over with. Another day down.

Thank you Michael for making my Christmas the best it could be without you. I love you and I hope you enjoyed your presents.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just Another Day

It has been a really good vacation so far! Saturday was spent celebrating a friends birthday, Monday I got Michael's car fixed ($500 later....thank you Honda), and Tuesday I met a good friend for drinks at the local Mexican restaurant. Now comes one part of the break I am dreading - Christmas Eve and Christmas. If you know me, then you know this is my absolute favorite holiday. I decorate a month in advance, love wrapping presents and love waking up on Christmas morning - I swear I am a 5 year old sometimes.

This year I have felt different for obvious reasons. Tonight in church, Michael won't be next to me, I won't get to open our presents together tomorrow morning, or go to our families houses together to celebrate. I haven't felt in the spirit at all this year, partly because I didn't want to do it without Mike. It's not fair that he cant' be here - I feel so bad for him mostly. At least I can still do the traditions, even if he isn't here. Poor Michael has to work tomorrow.

In the end, it's just another day, and we will be one day closer.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Letter from Iraq

This is from part of Michael's letter from Iraq:

Well, this may be the first Christmas card I have ever sent and I hope it is my last because I don't plan on being away for another Christmas. Well when this is all over and done we will be stronger. Have a great Christmas and remember I love you....

Love, Michael

The card went on to say this :

Many years from now, we may not remember whether it snowed...or how big or straight the tree was, or even what presents we gave each other (or that I was in Iraq) but forever, we'll remember the love. Merry Christmas.

Michael, I love you 6,000 miles away.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

In Charge

As Christmas draws closers, I am sure it is hard for Michael to be away. Of course I wouldn't know because he would never tell me, but I guess I can imagine. The unit that they are replacing is leaving shortly and I know Mike is excited to finally be in charge and on his own in the office. He seems to be adjusting well and likes his job. I am happy they are leaving because it just means we are one step closer to Michael coming home. I guess the next step would be his 15 day leave at some point. That is still a long ways away, so until then I can at least mark off this milestone!

Back at home, we only have one day of school left before our long break begins! Thank goodness. I have reached my final straw with my rowdy students and will be very thankful for Happy Hour tomorrow after work. I also will be going back to work at the restaurant next week. I love making that extra money!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weird December!

There is definitely something wrong with our world when I am outside in shorts, running, in December! Today it was gorgeous! I would say at least 60 out, and decided to go for a run. It was so warm, I decided to brave it and wear shorts. Halfway through my two miles, I was cursing myself for not wearing short sleeves! Completely insane! Rocky and Titan also enjoyed it, as I spend almost a half hour outside throwing the ball to them. Currently Rocky is passed out on the couch next to me! Finally! It's like having little kids around all night. I am a single parent almost!

Michael called me yesterday, and told me I should watch the news. Of course, my heart skipped a beat, but then I realized if something had happened he wouldn't WANT me to watch the news. After beating around the 'bush,' and Michael yelling that it wasn't a secure line so he couldn't tell me anything, I figured out that the President himself was planning a visit. He was already in the country, and from what I found out later, had shoes thrown at him! I am sure there is a YouTube video somewhere if you missed it! Anyway, after the incident, Michael was able to meet the President! His comment to me was, "Yeah, I only had to go halfway around the world." Ironic when his house is so close to our actual home!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snail Mail

I am an old fashioned type of girl, and think that although e-mail is nice (and fast), nothing is better than a card or letter in the mail. For someone to go out of there way to look for a card that says the perfect thing, and then write something sentimental, it is just so meaningful. I have received two of these from Michael in the last two weeks. I wasn't expecting either, which makes it so much more special. The one today was a Christmas card that just melted my heart. I know that we are going to get through this, and we are going to be so strong because of it. Don't get me wrong, it still is the hardest thing we have ever gone through, but Michael is truly the my best friend, and there is no one else I would rather wait for.

I myself have tried to send him snail mail. I figured packages are nice, but just a regular letter is nice too. I went in to Hallmark the other day, and I could not find a single 'Love' card or 'Miss you.' I even asked the lady and she couldn't find them. How ridiculous is that? I guess I will try again tomorrow!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tear Jerker

This was sent to me in an e-mail. Brace yourself.

Miss and love you....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Guess what I got?

The UPS man delivered a wonderful surprise today - a package from Josten's! If you don't know this company, they are the ones that make graduation rings, announcements, cap and gowns, etc. At first I was confused, and then I realized what it was - my cap and gown for graduation! It was so exciting! I had planned to walk at graduation because my best friend and I were graduating at the same time, but unfortunately she has one more class to take :( I don't really want to walk alone, so I probably won't end up going, but I did fill out the forms just so I could get my gown. Every person who graduates wants their hood! I figured why not? If I was paying $75 to graduate no matter what, the least they owed me was my cap and gown. I tried to put it all on, but I cannot get the hood to look right, so I will have to wait until someone is her to assist me! It was a very exciting day!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Armed and Ready!

Today, after school I had numerous errands to run :
  • The dreaded Wal-Mart (I hate it, but if I waited another day, I would have been reduced to roasting marshmellows for dinner)
  • Post Office
  • WaWa for gas, so I could get home!
  • The bank to cash a check Michael and I had received from Wilmington University
The last of these bullets, I knew was going to be interesting. The check was written out in Michael's name, and even though my name is also on the account, I remember, and you probably do to, that this basically means nothing. BUT this time I came prepared. I walked into the bank, signed the check and took it to the nearest teller. At first, I didn't think she was going to say anything, but then, she did the double take. She said,"Oh, we have a problem, the check is in Michael's name." And I said, yes, I know, he is in Iraq, and unable to sign it. Again, "Oh, well..." Then BAM, I didn't even give her a chance, I whipped out the Power of Attorney I have been reduced to carry around with me, 'just in case.' The check was then cashed without incident.

Score one for the army wife.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Officially DONE!

Tonight was the night - my LAST night of class. As I walked out of class at 7:30, I had fulfilled my LAST obligation in my Master's Degree requirements. It was an amazing feeling. Too bad I still have 15 classes to go for my +45....but that's a different day. Right now, I am sitting, drinking a glass of wine, celebrating, and wishing Michael was here with me so we could both celebrate being finished.

I did get a phone call today from him for a minute. It was during our 4th grade band assembly, so all of the parents must have thought I was a looney when I went sprinting out of the gym! Oh well...they can think what they want - I got to talk to my husband! It is so nice to hear from him, and receive more than one e-mail a day. It's almost like he is at the high school, e-mailing me like normal throughout the day...the only difference is, he isn't waiting at home. I also received a surprise card in the mail from him today. I am a truly sentimental person...I love cards with personal notes. I think they let someone know that they truly care because they took the time and went out of their way to think of them, buy a card and write a note. To me, that is the best gift. The card made me cry, of course! I love him more everyday, even 3,000 miles away!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Love Technology!

Today was the first day that I was able to see Michael since he left in November! Michael was finally able to hook up to the internet with his computer, and I was able to see him on the video camera. He looked so amazing, and seemed in a really good mood - I guess anything is better than Kuwait. I cannot describe to you how happy I was to see him. I wish I could reach through the screen and touch him though. Just seeing him makes me feel so much better. Not only was I able to see him, but I received like four e-mails today. I am so glad that he now has access to more technology. Maybe tonight I will be able to sleep a little better.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Military Wife

Ok, I know I have posted many times today, but as I was de-stressing in my bubble bath, drinking wine and reading "Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul," (Yes, I know, a recipe for disaster on a Saturday night!), I came across this passage that completely explained everything. I felt the need to share it with everyone, since it explains exactly how I am feeling....

The Unseen Veteran by Amanda Legg
To understand military life, or what it feels like to be the proud wife of a soldier, you need to experience it.
One day he was here and now he is gone...He isn't beside me in bed...His scent slowly fades, as does the memory of his face...I can barely remember the familiary sounds of him at home. I long for comfort when I have a nightmare. I want him to hold me. I wait for those comforting letters or the phone calls that come after silence.
Now, I look upon single parents in awe...and I learn to do what they do, until my husband comes home. I don't need a man to put a crib together, or take care of the car or to take out the trash. I have learned to be empathetic. I have become self-sufficient.
And even though these are wonderful things, I would give up everything that I have learned to bring him home right now.
When I think I cannot go on, I rely on my routine so that I can support my husband while he defends our freedom. And I know I am not the only one.
I am an unseen veteran. So are all of the other military spouses out there. We have different battlefields. Our maps have pins in the countries of worry, heartache and loneliness. Our battles will end when our husbands are in our arms agains.

Michael, I am so proud of you. I love and miss you everyday....Stay safe.

Christmas Happenings

Last night (as I was waiting for that phone call!) I attended our 4th grade teacher party we have every year. The food was great (too many points to count!) and we had a lot of fun. During the Chinese auction, I even won a gift card to WaWa! I did miss Michael of course, but I am sure he was thankful he didn't have to sing the Christmas Carols! I was the number 10 in the 12 days of Christmas, thank goodness I didn't get 1!

Tomorrow, the FRG is having their Christmas party for the families, so Michael's mom and dad are going up with me. They are having Santa, of course, and perhaps a video from the soldiers. It will be nice to hang out with other people who know what you are going through for awhile.

I love my friends - they are amazing. I have received phone calls, and cards constantly for the last two months. I love them and I am so thankful I have them! I just want to say thank you to everyone who checks up on me and makes sure I haven't just curled up in my bed in the fetal position. I love you guys.

Boots on the Ground

Well, my Friday did not start off too good. I ran to the copier before students came, was gone MAYBE two minutes, and when I came back, I realized I left my phone there - no big deal, Michael normally doesn't call until 9:00 or so. But there it was - what I had dreaded - the 'Missed Call' message and "1 new voicemail." Of course - I had missed him by one minute. It was awful. I e-mailed right away, telling him to call back, I was there now, and I even tried to call back but apparently you can't call Kuwait.

I waited all day, all last night - no phone call, no e-mail, it was miserable. I woke up every hour, checking the Blackberry to see if I had a new e-mail, but no. Not until 8:00 this morning, when I received an e-mail telling me that he had called just to say he loved me and they were moving out. The unit flew into Iraq in the early morning, and arrived safely at their location. He is currently moved into his room and is getting settled. I have to say I did breath a sigh of relief - flying in Iraq is dangerous, and half a world away, there is nothing I can do but pray. We are one step closer to him coming home - not to mention, Michael will be happier now since Kuwait sucked!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Updates and Birthdays

Last night, as I watched the tree lighting in New York, I think I realized the enormity of the situation Michael and I are in. I know that he willingly signed up, and that I married him knowing full well this even was possible, but I still never realized what it would entail. Being apart from him has been the hardest thing. Even when he was in Texas, it was hard, but he was still in the U.S. He has had training that has lasted just as long! Now with the holidays approaching, and the brigade's impending departure from Kuwait to Iraq, I think it has become even more real.

From what I understand from Michael, in the little time I have talked with him, I have realized the Kuwait is pretty close to a hell hole. He hates it. There are no other words to describe his emotion. He can't wait to get to Iraq, meanwhile, I wish he would stay longer in Kuwait. I know that he is miserable, and I do at least want him to be somewhat happy so his time can go faster, but Kuwait is safe. Iraq is unknown and scary. Tonight on the news they reported that in November, there was the lowest number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan combined - only 11. To anyone else this may seem amazing, but to mean it is still awful. There are 11 families who are without their loved ones. Instead of waiting for them to come home, there won't be a homecoming. It is a scary, scary thing. Christmas without Michael sucks. Deployment sucks. I was speaking with a fellow wife, and she said ya know, we try to put on a good face, but sometimes there are no other words to say besides this sucks.

But Michael and I will get through it. I say a prayer everyday that he comes home to me safely. I still am not sleeping through the night, and I carry my phone around like life support but I will live. Yes I am more emotional, I cry at the drop of a hat, and wine, which I love, is probably not the best decision, but I will survive.

On a much lighter note - Happy Birthday Courtney! You are officially old! Congratulations! Make sure Gabe either cooks or takes you out to a nice restaurant! Love you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Welcome December!

It has officially been two months since the deployment started. Again, as I look back, it seems to have gone by so quickly, but in the moment it seems to take forever. I miss him so much, I can't even explain it. Today, as I was driving his car, a check engine light came on, of course. (Doesn't everything happen when he is away?!) I took it to his step-dad, since he is a car genius, but even he wasn't sure. So tomorrow I am off to the Auto Parts store to buy a book so Michael's dad can fix it! Let's hope it isn't something too serious or expensive!

I talked to Michael today for about two minutes. I love hearing from him, but those calls are so bittersweet because I only get what feels like, half a second to talk. How can I squeeze in two or three days worth in five minutes? When he gets into Iraq, I am sure he will have more time on the internet, and we can finally use our video camera to see each other. I can't wait to see him!

Only 10 more months to go....