Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow, Snow, SNOW!

So apparently we are supposed to get between 6 and 12 inches of snow between now and Monday morning. I will believe that when I see it! I do love snow, but why couldn't we get this when we are IN school so I can have off instead. Right now I have off, and I would love to head out for some after Christmas shopping with my gift cards and maybe catch a movie with the husband. Geez! I will drive in the snow, it really isn't that bad, but my husband doesn't like it. He worries about everyone else. I do agree there are some complete idiots who can't drive in snow and should STAY HOME!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I was completely spoiled. I will have to post about all my goodies I received later this week. I am one lucky girl!

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