Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Now to Deal with the Kids...

So I am officially finished my classes for the block! I survived taking two and teaching one. I still have to grade my students final papers, and input final grades, but everything else is finished. Now I just have to deal with getting the kids through one more week of school. Lord help me!

They are already on vacation in their little minds, but I keep trying to convince them that I do still have things to teach! It's getting harder every day. It got even harder the other day when it started snowing. Let's hope that doesn't happen again before break!

School is a very interesting place to be right now. Between building a new elementary school, and possibly having to switch schools, I feel like everyone is constantly trying to guess what the administration is thinking and planning their next move. It feels like a giant game of survivor as we try to figure out who we would want to work with, and how to best plan our next move. It's exhausting. I wish I could just have a crystal ball to find out what school I will be in and what grade I will be teaching. For someone who likes having control, this situation is a nightmare.

Not only that but just today I found out that a teacher was written up for something that she posted on Facebook. To me, she did say anything wrong. No students or administration was named, she was venting about a situation. First of did they see what she wrote (I am guessing someone saw it and reported it) and secondly, if that's the case, WHO WOULD DO THAT? We are all teachers. We all know how frustrating everything is right now between Race to the Top and some schools being under review. Aren't we supposed to be on the same side? If they have time to look at Facebook statuses then we have a problem.

So, even though situations at work are very frustrating right now, and the kids are getting crazier and crazier, I have to look on the bright side. The rest of the nights this week are filled with Christmas parties, our growing baby is healthy, and I may even get my car back this week! Things could always be worse.

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