Friday, December 3, 2010

Halfway There!

Today is great...Friday, payday and halfway to meeting little Patrick! Our little Bambino this week is about 13 ounces (according to Doc's measurements yesterday) and 6 1/2 inches long. He is swallowing more and producing meconium (the lovely present he will leave in his diaper once he is born!).

How Far Along - 20 weeks
Size of Baby -A banana...The Doc said he is about 13 ounces! Almost 1 lb!
What the baby can do this week- Poop
Total Weight Gain - 9 pounds. Time to start walking more!
Maternity Clothes - Jeans! I love the maternity jeans. They are so comfortable.
Gender - A baby boy!
Sleep - I am tired. Between crazy kids before Christmas break and my classes I am one tired girl. When I do lay down I think about all of the things I need to do...grade papers, set up appointments, save more money, clean the house, etc. It's quite annoying.
What I Crave - Orange Juice and cereal....not together.
Symptoms - He is kicking more and more, and of course the belly is getting bigger!
Baby Purchases - None, unless you count the Labor and childbirth classes we signed up for.

1 comment:

Sal said...

hey mama, don't stress about things. I know it's hard, but your body is doing alot. give yourself a break