Saturday, April 11, 2009

Training, Day 2

I decided not to take today off, despite the VERY dreary weather outside. I had to wait until 4 this afternoon, but I did get my run in. It was the same as yesterday, but I ran longer before stopping for my three minute rest. I actually didn't feel tired breathing wise, but my thighs and back were tight.

I knew I wouldn't be able to run tomorrow due to church, and then work at 3:30, I decided I would do it today. I know my legs will appreciate the break tomorrow!

On a side note, Michael and I got to Skype for almost an hour today. I can't explain to you how great it is to actually see him. It is a double edged sword. I get to see him and hear his voice and see his facial expressions. It's amazing. But at the same time I want to reach through the screen and just touch him. 9 weeks to go until R & R. It can't come fast enough!

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