Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Army Ten Miler

Two nights ago, I woke up at 3 in the morning (like normal) to check to see if Michael had e-mailed me. I was pleasantly surprised to see he had, and I also had another e-mail. I opened it and was surprised to see a thank you for registering for the Army Ten Miler! I guess my husband decided I should run with him this year.

We talked about training for this back in October. I figured it would give us something to do while we were apart. But with an unknown return date, there hadn't been much talk about it since...until this e-mail. So I guess I have some training to do in the next six months! Any suggestions?

I do have a few goals I have already set :
  1. To simply finish
  2. Run 10 minute miles
  3. Finish
  4. Not pass out
  5. Finish
Think its doable?


Sal said...

Yes you can! Isn't the army ten miler near me? I'll come watch you!

Gabe said...

There will be like 30,000 runners there, which means you definately won't be last.

Robin said...

I would find a shortcut!