Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome February!

Yay! Another month is finished - if your counting, that's 4 down, 8 to go! It has gone by fast, even if I don't think so on a day to day basis. I know I say this every month, but it really is true!

Things have been going is school, same as always. The kids always have a way to make me laugh, and sometimes drive me crazy. Another SuperBowl has come and gone, and it was actually exciting even if the Eagles weren't in it. Unfortunately during the Super Bowl, I knocked over a bottle of nail polish remover ON MY PHONE. RIP Blackberry #1. It surprisingly still works, but the screen is messed up and the keys get stuck. I rode up to Dover today to Verizon, and of course once I get up there, they inform me I just need to call a number! Now I am in the process of trying to figure out how to transfer my information and pictures and numbers. This is the time I wish Michael was here!!


Anonymous said...

You might be able to transfer them on a SD card...atleast the pics. There is also an application that you can download that automatically saves your contacts each month. If your old phone still functions we might be able to figure it out.

Just register as an online customer through the my verizon tab. You probably already have the online account so it will be free to use the app.

Kelly said...

See...I knew I was friends with you for a reason. Unfortunately that backup assistant isn't compatible with a Blackberry. I got the new phone today - they must have overnighted it. Any whoo, I am going to my parents tomorrow to install the Blackberry backup on their computer as the disc doesn't work with Apple Computers. Lovely. Gotta love my husband and his obsession with Macs!