Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Biggest Loser

The title of this show is appropriate for more than one reason. I like to watch this show sometimes because it kicks my ass in gear when I feel too lazy to do anything. If they can do it, then I sure as heck can. Anyway, so I was watching tonight and a girl who won one of the challenges won a 24 hour stay with her family. She is in tears, bawling about being apart from her family for 6 weeks. She said, and I quote, "I just feel like I want to die, I don't know how I can be apart from them for 6 weeks..." My response. Go f*** yourself. Seriously. I am so SICK of people complaining about being apart for a week, or a WEEKEND. Send your loved one to Iraq for a year to 15 months and then you can complain.

I know not everyone will ever be in a situation similar to the one I am in, so 6 weeks is a big deal to them, so perhaps I can sympathize with them. But to the people who complain about a weekend....you should be thanking God that it's a weekend. It has been three months since I have touched my husband, seen his face clearly, or talked to him for more than 10 minutes at a time....and we aren't even halfway to our end point. So to those people and their weekend - fuck you.

That was my harsh rant for the week. Sorry.

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