Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prayers Please...

As I mentioned before, Michael's Poppop has been in the hospital since last Monday. A few days ago we received results from the first biopsy, they were negative. We were very happy to say the least. They still needed to do surgery to remove the rest of the mass and ended up removing 18 inches of his intestines (Sorry if this is TMI!). The results from that biopsy came back and unfortunately Pop has been diagnosed with Stage 3b cancer. The oncologist will be meeting sometime next week to discuss options for treatment. Pop is still pretty weak from the surgery so we will see if he can even start treatment anytime soon.

Michael's Uncle, Poppop's brother has been sick for quite sometime and unfortunately he lost his battle with cancer Tuesday night. It has been a rough few weeks for Michael and his family so please keep them in your prayers as we say goodbye to Uncle George and get Pop started on treatment.


K squared said...
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Katie said...

I'll be thinking of you and your family and sending good thoughts your way:)

Bina said...

I love you guys very much. I'm sorry about the loss of Mike's uncle and I will be praying for "PopPop". Let me know if there is anything I can do.