Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth!

My how this summer has flown! I guess not working in the summer makes them even shorter. Now that the craziness of moving out of our house is over, we have been lounging around, enjoying our first summer as parents. We have some plans for the coming weeks including visiting the zoo. Yes, he is too young to know what is going on, but I will take plenty of pictures to remind him (and probably video too!)

I want to take this time to wish everyone a happy and SAFE fourth of July. As you celebrate with your families please take the time to remember those soldiers who are still away fighting for our freedom so everyone can celebrate back home. I know our family will be thinking of those who are still away and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. I thank God that my husband returned safely from Iraq and dread the day he has to leave again. He is absolutely my hero.

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