Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Am I Really THAT old?

About a month ago, I received a Facebook message inviting me to a group that was planning our 10 year reunion from high school. Ahh! I cannot believe it has been that long! It feels like yesterday I graduated from college, but then I take a step back and realize that it has already been 5 years. Wow.

I have kept in touch with a few of my friends from high school, and touch base here and there thanks to Facebook. It is funny who you actually stay close with from your high school days. I remember thinking we would all be great friends forever. How times have changed!

It isn't that I am not friendly with everyone, and I love seeing everyone once in awhile, we are just in different places in our lives. I was one of the first to get married, and with Patrick, one of the first to have kids out of the group of people I hung out with. I think we just put different emphasis on things in our lives. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going out for a drink at Happy Hour, but the thought of going out every Friday and Saturday and getting trashed just doesn't do it for me anymore! I would much rather have a drink on my couch watching Dateline on a Friday night! Pathetic to some, heaven to me after a long week of work!

Regardless, I am still excited to see everyone, or whoever decides to show up! Those that I still keep in touch with haven't changed that much. I think we all look basically the same, just a little older (I am a little fatter :) - I can still blame the baby right?!) We won't have our reunion until next year some time, so I plan on trying to get back in shape - isn't that what everyone says for their reunion? HA

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