Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Patrick Update!

We had out growth scan on Monday and everything was perfect! I love it when I pass tests, especially when little Patrick passes them. He weighs 2 pounds 14 ounces, and was kicking up a storm. His heart looked fantastic and there was fluid in his kidneys and stomach which means he is swallowing and going to the bathroom. Good for him!This is a little hard to see but it's a profile of his face and his little fingers are up with his thumb in his mouth.

Of course we tried to get a good 3-D picture of his face and he just wouldn't cooperate. He is so far pushed up into my tissue that we just couldn't see him and no matter which way I turned he stayed put! Looks like he has his Dad's stubborn temper! At one point she also checked his spine and skin around it to make sure everything was closed. He moved away QUICK from the wand. The technician joked he wouldn't like backrubs. Also sounds like his father!

The tech (who was wonderful!) Also did a unofficial biophysical profile on the little man. I have to get these done every week starting at 32 weeks. It checks things like his heartbeat, whether he is breathing, how active he is, etc. He passed with flying colors at 28 weeks and 3 days! I am so proud! You could see his little chest moving as he 'practiced' breathing!

We had our first childbirth class last night, and it was ummm, interesting! We saw the birth video and Michael commented how it was nothing like on TV! I think the best part of the class (after getting the beejesus scared out of me) was when we practiced different positions and breathing and Michael had to rub my back for at least 30 minutes. Best $60 ever spent! I can't wait for next week!

On a side note, the weather here is GORGEOUS! In the 60's. I don't want to get used to it though because it will be back in the 30's tomorrow. Bummer. But at least Phil the groundhog didn't see his shadow today which means spring is right around the corner! YAY

And of course, registry update: 13 items on the Target registry bought, and 6 items on Babies r Us INCLUDING the stroller. I was so excited last night!! (I know, I am a huge dork, but I just can't help it!)

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