Sunday, January 30, 2011

Growing Impatient!

I am starting to get more and more excited about Patrick coming! I have under three months now, and I think my husband and I say everyday, "I can't believe we are going to have a baby." It truly is a little miracle. I can't wait to see who he is going to look like (I am guessing Michael), or who he is going to act like (Probably me!).

For the near future though, I hope he stays in there! I still have so much to do. I tried to touch up the paint in his room so I can get his name on the wall and a cute little quote that I ordered. Of course, since we have 18 shades of beige in our house, it doesn't seem to match. Nothing can ever be simple! Someone said I can take a chip of the paint to the store and they can match it. Keep your fingers crossed!

The only thing we have left in his room is Michael's dresser that he uses. As soon as we get our furniture, we can rearrange and move that out too. The refinance of our house should be complete this week, so we will order the furniture. I am getting so excited! I really want that new furniture, but I really want to get Patrick's room in order too! Just in case!

Other than that, things are good around here. I finished my Master's +30 back in December and received confirmation from our Department of Ed. A pay raise is in my future! School is going good - the kids are doing well, and we have testing coming up this week. Always a stressful time, but I think they will do well. I found out I won't be here for their last round of testing in May. I thought they tested earlier and was relieved that I would be there for it, but I had my dates wrong. I know I can't control it, but I would feel much better if I was there for it!

We have a busy week coming up....we get to see Patrick tomorrow for his growth scan, we start Labor and Childbirth class on Tuesday and then a regular appointment on Friday. Oh my!


Sal said...

Kel, you worry so much you make my worrying look like nothing. (and I worry all the time). I know it's hard, but relax! Everything will come together, it always does.
Patrick, if you can work it out so that you and I have the same birthday, I will give you awesome presents! The 26th is really an ideal day to be born, trust me! xoxo Miss Sallie

Kelly said...

Aunt Sallie,

I will do my best. Mom already told me I can't come out until at least April 22.
