Thursday, February 24, 2011

Patrick's First Test = A+

Of course Patrick passed his first test....he is Momma's boy! Today we went for our first biophysical profile. It consists of an ultrasound where the measure amniotic fluid, tone, movement, and breathing. The second part consists of being put on a monitor and watched for around 20 minutes to monitor Patrick's heart rate. Basically they are looking to see if it goes up when he moves.

The ultrasound went great, except we couldn't get a very good picture (what a stubborn child). He received a 2 on everything (the highest you can get...of course!). Then we went up for the monitor. He must have decided that after kicking me all day he was tired, so he wasn't moving that much. They had me drink some orange juice to wake him up. It did the trick! They were able to get exactly what they needed and informed me he looked great.

Patrick scored a 10 out of 10! That's my boy!


Amber said...

Awww yay! Good job Patrick.

Sal said...

So glad about this! Love you (and Patrick)!