Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Although this is a day to give thanks, I have to admit I find myself doing it more then just one day a year these days.

I have so much to be thankful for. An amazing husband, who is more caring and loving then I could have ever asked for. I am so happy to share another holiday with him, HOME. Since the Bambi run in on Tuesday, he has taken care of everything, from contacting the police, to the insurance to dealing with the rental car. He even made sure the car got to the auto body shop, and cleaned out all of my things while I took a nap at home. He must have known I needed it after I couldn't sleep the night before because of images of Bambi's face as I hit her. :( I can't wait to see him with our little one when he gets here. He will be an amazing father.

I am thankful for my wonderful friends. There were there while Michael was away, and I couldn't have done it without their support and love. Even though we are far apart and don't talk every day, I know they will always be there for me. Now if only I could convince some of them to move North!

My family. They are amazing. We all get along so well, and I have the best parents anyone can ask for. I have people who come up to me to tell me how great they are! I only hope to be half as good as they have been to my brother and I.

My job. Yes there are days where I feel like smacking some people, but overall I love it. In this economy, I am glad to have a steady income and be able to have a roof over my head and food on the table.

My 'kids.' Rocky, Titan, Remy and Jroll. Yes, we have a zoo, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are always excited to see us when we get home, and know when their Momma just needs a cuddle. I love them even if they do drive me crazy some days.

Of course, our little one on the way. After the accident, I realized just how much I love the little one even though he isn't here yet. When they couldn't find his heartbeat I almost had a melt down, but in my heart I knew he was still in there. Every time I see him I am amazed that my husband and I created something so tiny. I can't wait until April!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. As you sit around your table tonight, remember those soldiers who are still overseas away from their families. Say a prayer for them!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm going to stop being a bad friend and call you soon...I'm such a slacker. Love yoU!