Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First Class

No, I am not taking my fist Master's class (if you know anything about me, you know I am well past that. I am kind of an overachiever.) However, I am teaching my first one tonight.

I. Am. Terrified.

First of all, I HATE standing up in front of people. Of course, when I say this, people then ask how I can teach. Well, they are 9 years old. Anyone can stand up in front of 9 year olds! These students are my age or older....with the majority being older. I am afraid they are going to think I am too young to be teaching, and I have no idea what I am talking about.

I have no idea why my professor thought I would be a good candidate to do this. I mean, I can write a paper and turn in work on time, sure. She said I had a 'good work ethic' and my work was 'outstanding.' Ok, great, but to teach a Master's class?

I originally said yes because it was my understanding it was a completely online class. Well that changed, and now I have to teach 3 face to face and the rest is online.

Tonight is my first face to face, and I am praying I don't throw up or pass out. Pray for me!

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