Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day!

I love election day for numerous reasons, and enacting my right as a citizen and voting has NOTHING to do with it!

Number one, there will be no more stupid political ads on TV, flyers in the mail, or phone calls to my house asking me to vote for so-and-so. More importantly, Christine O'Donnell, who is most certainly NOT ME, will be a distant memory (or hopefully anyway!) If you haven't heard about Christine O'Donnell, then look it up on YouTube. SNL did a pretty funny sketch. Between the Vice President and her, people must think Delaware is a bunch of crazies.

Number two, and the most important, we off from school! That's right, here in tiny Delaware schools are used as polling places, and therefore, we MUST have off! My husband got up, took the dogs out, let me sleep, and went and got us breakfast. Great start to the day I must say!

Not only do we have off today, but there is a tradition in Delaware where all people who ran for office 'bury the hatchet' so to speak. There is a parade and parties which of course amount to us having a half day Thursday! Love it.

Even though I have off, today will be busy. I have a dentist appointment at 11:30 (yay!), getting some things done on my car at 1, and our LAST field hockey game is this afternoon. Just in time, because I had my first class last night!

Even though Election Day is wonderful for teachers, I guess I should go vote too! YOU TOO!

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