So we visited the Doctor today. I have gained 9 pounds total :( A HUGE jump from last month. I guess I made up for practically no weight gain in the first trimester. Time to start eating better and walking more! My blood pressure was down to normal, finally - 118/79. YAY!
Overall, a good appointment!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
19 Weeks
19 weeks, almost halfway there! This week our little one's brain is designating areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. His arms and legs are finally in proportion to the rest of his body, and hair is sprouting on his head.
How Far Along - 19 weeks
Size of Baby -An heirloom tomato...6 inches and 8 1/2 ounces
What the baby can do this week- Pee!
Total Weight Gain - I will know on Monday....guessing about 4 lbs?
Maternity Clothes - Jeans! I love the maternity jeans. They are so comfortable.
Gender - We found out after the Bambi run in! I will let everyone know next week after we get a second confirmation, even though I am pretty sure we don't need it!
Sleep - Not as bad as last week, I think I figured out how to best prop up the pillow so my stomach doesn't ache as much. I still have to use the restroom in the middle of the night which is quite annoying!
What I Crave - Orange Juice and cereal....not together.
Symptoms - My belly is starting to get bigger! I also can feel the little one moving a lot! He is a very active baby so far, mainly around 3 in the morning! Luckily he isn't big enough to wake me up with his kicks. I keep trying to get Michael to feel, but everytime I call him over, the baby stops. Someday!
Baby Purchases - When we found out what we were having, we bought a little outfit to tell the grandparents. I am excited to start registering though!
How Far Along - 19 weeks
Size of Baby -An heirloom tomato...6 inches and 8 1/2 ounces
What the baby can do this week- Pee!
Total Weight Gain - I will know on Monday....guessing about 4 lbs?
Maternity Clothes - Jeans! I love the maternity jeans. They are so comfortable.
Gender - We found out after the Bambi run in! I will let everyone know next week after we get a second confirmation, even though I am pretty sure we don't need it!
Sleep - Not as bad as last week, I think I figured out how to best prop up the pillow so my stomach doesn't ache as much. I still have to use the restroom in the middle of the night which is quite annoying!
What I Crave - Orange Juice and cereal....not together.
Symptoms - My belly is starting to get bigger! I also can feel the little one moving a lot! He is a very active baby so far, mainly around 3 in the morning! Luckily he isn't big enough to wake me up with his kicks. I keep trying to get Michael to feel, but everytime I call him over, the baby stops. Someday!
Baby Purchases - When we found out what we were having, we bought a little outfit to tell the grandparents. I am excited to start registering though!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Although this is a day to give thanks, I have to admit I find myself doing it more then just one day a year these days.
I have so much to be thankful for. An amazing husband, who is more caring and loving then I could have ever asked for. I am so happy to share another holiday with him, HOME. Since the Bambi run in on Tuesday, he has taken care of everything, from contacting the police, to the insurance to dealing with the rental car. He even made sure the car got to the auto body shop, and cleaned out all of my things while I took a nap at home. He must have known I needed it after I couldn't sleep the night before because of images of Bambi's face as I hit her. :( I can't wait to see him with our little one when he gets here. He will be an amazing father.
I am thankful for my wonderful friends. There were there while Michael was away, and I couldn't have done it without their support and love. Even though we are far apart and don't talk every day, I know they will always be there for me. Now if only I could convince some of them to move North!
My family. They are amazing. We all get along so well, and I have the best parents anyone can ask for. I have people who come up to me to tell me how great they are! I only hope to be half as good as they have been to my brother and I.
My job. Yes there are days where I feel like smacking some people, but overall I love it. In this economy, I am glad to have a steady income and be able to have a roof over my head and food on the table.
My 'kids.' Rocky, Titan, Remy and Jroll. Yes, we have a zoo, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are always excited to see us when we get home, and know when their Momma just needs a cuddle. I love them even if they do drive me crazy some days.
Of course, our little one on the way. After the accident, I realized just how much I love the little one even though he isn't here yet. When they couldn't find his heartbeat I almost had a melt down, but in my heart I knew he was still in there. Every time I see him I am amazed that my husband and I created something so tiny. I can't wait until April!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. As you sit around your table tonight, remember those soldiers who are still overseas away from their families. Say a prayer for them!
I have so much to be thankful for. An amazing husband, who is more caring and loving then I could have ever asked for. I am so happy to share another holiday with him, HOME. Since the Bambi run in on Tuesday, he has taken care of everything, from contacting the police, to the insurance to dealing with the rental car. He even made sure the car got to the auto body shop, and cleaned out all of my things while I took a nap at home. He must have known I needed it after I couldn't sleep the night before because of images of Bambi's face as I hit her. :( I can't wait to see him with our little one when he gets here. He will be an amazing father.
I am thankful for my wonderful friends. There were there while Michael was away, and I couldn't have done it without their support and love. Even though we are far apart and don't talk every day, I know they will always be there for me. Now if only I could convince some of them to move North!
My family. They are amazing. We all get along so well, and I have the best parents anyone can ask for. I have people who come up to me to tell me how great they are! I only hope to be half as good as they have been to my brother and I.
My job. Yes there are days where I feel like smacking some people, but overall I love it. In this economy, I am glad to have a steady income and be able to have a roof over my head and food on the table.
My 'kids.' Rocky, Titan, Remy and Jroll. Yes, we have a zoo, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are always excited to see us when we get home, and know when their Momma just needs a cuddle. I love them even if they do drive me crazy some days.
Of course, our little one on the way. After the accident, I realized just how much I love the little one even though he isn't here yet. When they couldn't find his heartbeat I almost had a melt down, but in my heart I knew he was still in there. Every time I see him I am amazed that my husband and I created something so tiny. I can't wait until April!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. As you sit around your table tonight, remember those soldiers who are still overseas away from their families. Say a prayer for them!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I Hate Bambi!
I was the one who always felt sorry for the deer during hunting season, or when I saw one lying on the side of the road after being hit by a car.
Not anymore.
Last night, after teaching my second class (which I survived!) I was on my way home. I completely forgot that we live in an area with a high deer population. I was minding my own business, having just stopped for dinner, when Bambi and a friend decided to try to cross the busy highway. Needless to say, Bambi got hit....hard. Then got hit about 4 more times by other cars.
In a state of shock I was able to find the flashers in the car (after turning on the windshield wipers amongst other things) and get out of the car into the median in the event that another car were to hit me. My husband was panicking (rightfully so since he heard me hit need to lecture about talking on the phone, thanks.) and wanted to make sure I was ok. The airbag never went over, and I was able to break a decent amount before impact. I felt fine and didn't have any belly pain.
Meanwhile, Bambi's little friend tried to come BACK across the road, probably to seek revenge on me, and ended up getting hit by a car too. In total, three vehicles were involved, two deer hit. Insane. I ended up going to the hospital after I called my OBGYN (who happened to be on call anyway, thank goodness) just to get the baby checked out. Once they cleared me in the ER, I headed to Labor and Delivery to get a sonogram.
I have to say, although I was shaken, I was very excited to see the little one again! Everything was fine, heartrate was 155, and he was moving everywhere! I could definitely feel him. Not only did we get some good pictures again, but we also got to see something a little extra!
I won't reveal on here yet, but soon, don't worry! I need to make sure close friends and family know first otherwise I will never hear the end of it.
After a very exciting night, my Thanksgiving break can FINALLY begin...even if I won't have my car for awhile :( Poor Elly the Equinox. Elly can be replaced, thankfully myself and the little one are just fine. Another thing to be thankful for this holiday!
Not anymore.
Last night, after teaching my second class (which I survived!) I was on my way home. I completely forgot that we live in an area with a high deer population. I was minding my own business, having just stopped for dinner, when Bambi and a friend decided to try to cross the busy highway. Needless to say, Bambi got hit....hard. Then got hit about 4 more times by other cars.
In a state of shock I was able to find the flashers in the car (after turning on the windshield wipers amongst other things) and get out of the car into the median in the event that another car were to hit me. My husband was panicking (rightfully so since he heard me hit need to lecture about talking on the phone, thanks.) and wanted to make sure I was ok. The airbag never went over, and I was able to break a decent amount before impact. I felt fine and didn't have any belly pain.
Meanwhile, Bambi's little friend tried to come BACK across the road, probably to seek revenge on me, and ended up getting hit by a car too. In total, three vehicles were involved, two deer hit. Insane. I ended up going to the hospital after I called my OBGYN (who happened to be on call anyway, thank goodness) just to get the baby checked out. Once they cleared me in the ER, I headed to Labor and Delivery to get a sonogram.
I have to say, although I was shaken, I was very excited to see the little one again! Everything was fine, heartrate was 155, and he was moving everywhere! I could definitely feel him. Not only did we get some good pictures again, but we also got to see something a little extra!
I won't reveal on here yet, but soon, don't worry! I need to make sure close friends and family know first otherwise I will never hear the end of it.
After a very exciting night, my Thanksgiving break can FINALLY begin...even if I won't have my car for awhile :( Poor Elly the Equinox. Elly can be replaced, thankfully myself and the little one are just fine. Another thing to be thankful for this holiday!
Friday, November 19, 2010
18 Weeks
Another week down! More importantly only two full working days until Thanksgiving break. YAY!!
On to the good stuff.....
How Far Along - 18 weeks
Size of Baby -A bell pepper 5 1/2 inches and about 7 ounces
What the baby can do this week- He/she can yawn! How cute!
Total Weight Gain - Still haven't gotten on the scale....don't want to!
Maternity Clothes - I did buy some jeans today because I was tired of the belly band and seeing the button stick out because it wasn't buttoned! I also got a new top. I was afraid because the jeans are stretch jeans and I HATE stretch jeans, but I LOVE them!
Gender - Still no clue, will know on December 2 - if the baby cooperates!
Sleep - My stomach is sore in the morning, and especially when I flip over. I need to do a better job of propping the stomach up apparently!
What I Crave - Well, my husband surprised me and made the chocolate chip cookies which were AWESOME! Orange Juice is is a big winner, but I really want a margarita! That isn't happening anytime soon!
Symptoms - My belly is starting to get bigger - I actually had another person notice!
Baby Purchases - None! Except my maternity clothes. Give me two weeks when I know what the baby is, this will all change!
On to the good stuff.....
How Far Along - 18 weeks
Size of Baby -A bell pepper 5 1/2 inches and about 7 ounces
What the baby can do this week- He/she can yawn! How cute!
Total Weight Gain - Still haven't gotten on the scale....don't want to!
Maternity Clothes - I did buy some jeans today because I was tired of the belly band and seeing the button stick out because it wasn't buttoned! I also got a new top. I was afraid because the jeans are stretch jeans and I HATE stretch jeans, but I LOVE them!
Gender - Still no clue, will know on December 2 - if the baby cooperates!
Sleep - My stomach is sore in the morning, and especially when I flip over. I need to do a better job of propping the stomach up apparently!
What I Crave - Well, my husband surprised me and made the chocolate chip cookies which were AWESOME! Orange Juice is is a big winner, but I really want a margarita! That isn't happening anytime soon!
Symptoms - My belly is starting to get bigger - I actually had another person notice!
Baby Purchases - None! Except my maternity clothes. Give me two weeks when I know what the baby is, this will all change!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
End of Season
Today, our hockey season is officially over. We had out end of the year banquet, and I have to say I was pretty sad to say goodbye to some of our Seniors. I have been with these girls since they were Freshmen, so it was definitely bitter sweet.
The absolute best part though, besides the food, was the present they gave the coaches....a gift certificate to get a massage. It is amazing and I can't wait to use it!
On another note, our teachers enjoyed a stress free afternoon of bowling! We have done this before, and it's a great and laughter. Of course I can't have the beer, but I can still have fun. I bowled a 108 the first game and a 183 the second game. My personal best. I still don't know how I did it. My Mom said it was because I wasn't drinking for once. HA!
The absolute best part though, besides the food, was the present they gave the coaches....a gift certificate to get a massage. It is amazing and I can't wait to use it!
On another note, our teachers enjoyed a stress free afternoon of bowling! We have done this before, and it's a great and laughter. Of course I can't have the beer, but I can still have fun. I bowled a 108 the first game and a 183 the second game. My personal best. I still don't know how I did it. My Mom said it was because I wasn't drinking for once. HA!
Friday, November 12, 2010
17 Weeks
Yay! Finally on time! I am exactly 17 weeks today. The baby is now the size of a turnip...5 inches long and about 5 ounces. His soft cartilage is changing to hard bone and he can move his joints!
How Far Along - 17 weeks
Size of Baby -A turnip
Total Weight Gain - I am going to be honest, I have not stepped on the scale. I have always gone by the Doc's scale, so I will just wait two more weeks - right after Thanksgiving. That should turn out well!
Maternity Clothes - I must admit that I did wear maternity pants that my Mom got me the other day. I really am not that big yet, but they are just so darn comfortable. I am still in the stage if people wonder if I am fat or just pregnant. Ahhhh
Gender - Still no clue, will know on December 2 - if the baby cooperates!
Sleep - My stomach is starting to hurt when I lay on my side for awhile and then switch to another side. I really need to get a body pillow this weekend.
What I Crave - Still the homemade chocolate chip cookies (I have yet to make them!) Any volunteers? I just can't get the motivation!
Symptoms - My belly is starting to get bigger - not too much but I can tell
and so can Michael. My boobs are also bordering on porn star status, and I am told they are only going to get bigger. I see a lift and reduction in my future! I am still tired a bit, but I am feeling pretty good right now! Apparently the second trimester is when women feel the best, so I should live it up!
Baby Purchases - None this week; well maybe black out blinds for the baby room. The room has never had blinds, and it really needs it! Plus there is a sale this weekend - bonus! There is also a Phillies shirt for ME that I am thinking about getting (HINT CHRISTMAS MICHAEL HINT)
Love it!
How Far Along - 17 weeks
Size of Baby -A turnip
Total Weight Gain - I am going to be honest, I have not stepped on the scale. I have always gone by the Doc's scale, so I will just wait two more weeks - right after Thanksgiving. That should turn out well!
Maternity Clothes - I must admit that I did wear maternity pants that my Mom got me the other day. I really am not that big yet, but they are just so darn comfortable. I am still in the stage if people wonder if I am fat or just pregnant. Ahhhh
Gender - Still no clue, will know on December 2 - if the baby cooperates!
Sleep - My stomach is starting to hurt when I lay on my side for awhile and then switch to another side. I really need to get a body pillow this weekend.
What I Crave - Still the homemade chocolate chip cookies (I have yet to make them!) Any volunteers? I just can't get the motivation!
Symptoms - My belly is starting to get bigger - not too much but I can tell
and so can Michael. My boobs are also bordering on porn star status, and I am told they are only going to get bigger. I see a lift and reduction in my future! I am still tired a bit, but I am feeling pretty good right now! Apparently the second trimester is when women feel the best, so I should live it up!
Baby Purchases - None this week; well maybe black out blinds for the baby room. The room has never had blinds, and it really needs it! Plus there is a sale this weekend - bonus! There is also a Phillies shirt for ME that I am thinking about getting (HINT CHRISTMAS MICHAEL HINT)

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veterans Day
Even though we are reminded of Veterans Day everyday in our household, today is that day that everyone normally says it aloud. Thank you.
Words cannot express the amount of gratitude that we owe those who have served both at home and overseas. I don't know if everyone (besides military families) truly grasp the amount of dedication these people and their families have, or exactly what they have to go through.
Today, take 30 seconds and remember those who have have served, those still serving, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
My husband is truly my hero. 3

On a complete side note, I survived my first teaching class!
Words cannot express the amount of gratitude that we owe those who have served both at home and overseas. I don't know if everyone (besides military families) truly grasp the amount of dedication these people and their families have, or exactly what they have to go through.
Today, take 30 seconds and remember those who have have served, those still serving, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
My husband is truly my hero. 3

On a complete side note, I survived my first teaching class!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
First Class
No, I am not taking my fist Master's class (if you know anything about me, you know I am well past that. I am kind of an overachiever.) However, I am teaching my first one tonight.
I. Am. Terrified.
First of all, I HATE standing up in front of people. Of course, when I say this, people then ask how I can teach. Well, they are 9 years old. Anyone can stand up in front of 9 year olds! These students are my age or older....with the majority being older. I am afraid they are going to think I am too young to be teaching, and I have no idea what I am talking about.
I have no idea why my professor thought I would be a good candidate to do this. I mean, I can write a paper and turn in work on time, sure. She said I had a 'good work ethic' and my work was 'outstanding.' Ok, great, but to teach a Master's class?
I originally said yes because it was my understanding it was a completely online class. Well that changed, and now I have to teach 3 face to face and the rest is online.
Tonight is my first face to face, and I am praying I don't throw up or pass out. Pray for me!
I. Am. Terrified.
First of all, I HATE standing up in front of people. Of course, when I say this, people then ask how I can teach. Well, they are 9 years old. Anyone can stand up in front of 9 year olds! These students are my age or older....with the majority being older. I am afraid they are going to think I am too young to be teaching, and I have no idea what I am talking about.
I have no idea why my professor thought I would be a good candidate to do this. I mean, I can write a paper and turn in work on time, sure. She said I had a 'good work ethic' and my work was 'outstanding.' Ok, great, but to teach a Master's class?
I originally said yes because it was my understanding it was a completely online class. Well that changed, and now I have to teach 3 face to face and the rest is online.
Tonight is my first face to face, and I am praying I don't throw up or pass out. Pray for me!
Monday, November 8, 2010
So I teach my first class tomorrow night and I am nervous! But besides that, my students have turned in their first assignments. A one page reflection paper about a learning experience they had that didn't go well. There was a rubric, and it was EASY.
I cannot tell you how many students got points off because they didn't follow the rubric. Absolutely ridiculous. I mean really. If you can't follow a rubric, then I really can't help you!
I hope this isn't a sign of things to come!
I cannot tell you how many students got points off because they didn't follow the rubric. Absolutely ridiculous. I mean really. If you can't follow a rubric, then I really can't help you!
I hope this isn't a sign of things to come!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
16 Weeks
And 1 day....I just can't seem to get it together enough to post on Fridays! Here is the run down for the week:
How Far Along - 16 weeks (and 1 day)
Size of Baby - An avocado (Going to be honest, I have no idea what one looks like)
4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces
Total Weight Gain - As of last week, 1.5 pounds
Maternity Clothes - Not yet! I have bought a belly band that lets me unbutton my pants and still wear my normal clothes. What a great invention! My mom did buy me some
tops to wear for later. She knows I am dreading spending money on clothes I
will only wear for a little while.
Gender - Still no clue, will know on December 2 - if the baby cooperates!
Sleep - Can't complain here. I am still sleeping pretty well besides getting up in the middle of the
night to use the restroom. I cannot explain how annoying that is! I have been having
some crazy dreams though, including one where I gave birth to a cat that looks like JRoll.
What I Crave - Nothing really. It's weird. Normally I can think about dinner (pre-pregnancy)
and think of something I HAVE to have. Now, nothing sticks out and no matter
what my husband suggests it just doesn't seem like that's what I REALLY want. I
could use some chocolate chip cookies (homemade) right now though!
Symptoms - None really. I was tried before baby, so I am just as tired now. Not as bad as I was in the beginning though. My belly is starting to get bigger - not too much but I can tell
and so can Michael. I can't wait until I get out of the stage where people wonder,
and they just know!
Baby Purchases - So far we have gotten a Chase Utley shirt (of course!), a little soft rattle that
goes with my favorite book, "Guess How Much I Love You." That's about it. I
am waiting until we find out what it is before we really start looking! Once we
find out, we will register too.
Have a great weekend!
How Far Along - 16 weeks (and 1 day)
Size of Baby - An avocado (Going to be honest, I have no idea what one looks like)
4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces
Total Weight Gain - As of last week, 1.5 pounds
Maternity Clothes - Not yet! I have bought a belly band that lets me unbutton my pants and still wear my normal clothes. What a great invention! My mom did buy me some
tops to wear for later. She knows I am dreading spending money on clothes I
will only wear for a little while.
Gender - Still no clue, will know on December 2 - if the baby cooperates!
Sleep - Can't complain here. I am still sleeping pretty well besides getting up in the middle of the
night to use the restroom. I cannot explain how annoying that is! I have been having
some crazy dreams though, including one where I gave birth to a cat that looks like JRoll.
What I Crave - Nothing really. It's weird. Normally I can think about dinner (pre-pregnancy)
and think of something I HAVE to have. Now, nothing sticks out and no matter
what my husband suggests it just doesn't seem like that's what I REALLY want. I
could use some chocolate chip cookies (homemade) right now though!
Symptoms - None really. I was tried before baby, so I am just as tired now. Not as bad as I was in the beginning though. My belly is starting to get bigger - not too much but I can tell
and so can Michael. I can't wait until I get out of the stage where people wonder,
and they just know!
Baby Purchases - So far we have gotten a Chase Utley shirt (of course!), a little soft rattle that
goes with my favorite book, "Guess How Much I Love You." That's about it. I
am waiting until we find out what it is before we really start looking! Once we
find out, we will register too.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Some People
The things that come out of some people's mouth is absolutely insane to me sometimes. This morning, I was doing hall duty in my normal post, leaning up against a doorway with my back to a stairwell. A teacher who is across the hall was coming up the stairs (3 minutes AFTER the bell rang, which would make her 13 minutes later, but I guess she can do whatever she wants!). She leans in as she walks by and says, "Ya know, you can really tell you are pregnant from the back now!"
W.T.F. Is that supposed to mean?
News flash lady, I have only gained 1.5 lbs.
Suck it.
W.T.F. Is that supposed to mean?
News flash lady, I have only gained 1.5 lbs.
Suck it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day!
I love election day for numerous reasons, and enacting my right as a citizen and voting has NOTHING to do with it!
Number one, there will be no more stupid political ads on TV, flyers in the mail, or phone calls to my house asking me to vote for so-and-so. More importantly, Christine O'Donnell, who is most certainly NOT ME, will be a distant memory (or hopefully anyway!) If you haven't heard about Christine O'Donnell, then look it up on YouTube. SNL did a pretty funny sketch. Between the Vice President and her, people must think Delaware is a bunch of crazies.
Number two, and the most important, we off from school! That's right, here in tiny Delaware schools are used as polling places, and therefore, we MUST have off! My husband got up, took the dogs out, let me sleep, and went and got us breakfast. Great start to the day I must say!
Not only do we have off today, but there is a tradition in Delaware where all people who ran for office 'bury the hatchet' so to speak. There is a parade and parties which of course amount to us having a half day Thursday! Love it.
Even though I have off, today will be busy. I have a dentist appointment at 11:30 (yay!), getting some things done on my car at 1, and our LAST field hockey game is this afternoon. Just in time, because I had my first class last night!
Even though Election Day is wonderful for teachers, I guess I should go vote too! YOU TOO!
Number one, there will be no more stupid political ads on TV, flyers in the mail, or phone calls to my house asking me to vote for so-and-so. More importantly, Christine O'Donnell, who is most certainly NOT ME, will be a distant memory (or hopefully anyway!) If you haven't heard about Christine O'Donnell, then look it up on YouTube. SNL did a pretty funny sketch. Between the Vice President and her, people must think Delaware is a bunch of crazies.
Number two, and the most important, we off from school! That's right, here in tiny Delaware schools are used as polling places, and therefore, we MUST have off! My husband got up, took the dogs out, let me sleep, and went and got us breakfast. Great start to the day I must say!
Not only do we have off today, but there is a tradition in Delaware where all people who ran for office 'bury the hatchet' so to speak. There is a parade and parties which of course amount to us having a half day Thursday! Love it.
Even though I have off, today will be busy. I have a dentist appointment at 11:30 (yay!), getting some things done on my car at 1, and our LAST field hockey game is this afternoon. Just in time, because I had my first class last night!
Even though Election Day is wonderful for teachers, I guess I should go vote too! YOU TOO!
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