Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do I have a Choice?

It always cracks me up when people say to me, "I don't know how you do it," or "I could never be without my husband for a year," or "It's been 7 months since you've seen him? I couldn't do that!" Sometimes I wonder how I do sometimes. I mean, can you imagine going 7 months without touching your husband? I can't believe I haven't wrapped my arms around him in that long!

But then I think about it - what other choice do I have? It's not like I can fly to Iraq (I thought about it, but I figured if I went to PHL and asked for a round trip ticket to Baghdad, it may raise some red flags). Michael doesn't have a choice - if he did he would be home already. I know some military wives can't handle it and choose to not live the 'Army' life anymore and get a divorce. Seriously. Who does that to someone? That would never even be an option for me. There is no one else I would rather wait for, and although it sucks, he WILL be home soon, laying next to me - naked. Sorry, had to say it. HAHA.

So when people say to me now, "I could never do it," I say to them, yes you can, you don't have any other choice. You take each day one day at a time, and thank God when you crawl into bed at night because you can mark another day off the calendar.

46 days...

1 comment:

Gabe Dubis said...

I hope you had a fun Cinco De Mayo. Courtney has been swamped with promotion retention stuff so we didn't do too much celebrating. Plus I smashed my toe into the side of the couch, now it's black and blue so we'll see how running on that feels. Courntey and I went to see a realtor yesterday and we're going to look at a house on Friday morning. Courtney is taking the day off. We'll take some pictures and let you know how it goes. Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately. I even say where you asked your faithful readers about their weekend. Sorry I didn't respond. You know I need more instant gratification, so you should start a Twitter account. J/K.

You do it because your Kelly Sharp and you're awesome.