Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bad Day turned Good!

This morning I woke up in a very good mood! I had a field trip yesterday, regular school today and then another trip tomorrow and then Friday, what could make an easier week! Then I got to talk to Michael, and for some reason he made a comment that just rubbed me the wrong way. I mentioned how I had to cut the grass out back again, and he simply said, "You better get that done." He has made comments like this before - simply JOKING, and I know that. I don't know if it was the exhaustion, or doing all of the chores around the house myself, but it just put me in a bad mood. I am doing the best I can, and I think that is pretty damn good considering.

Anyway, I was in a bad mood after that, and my kids at school are driving me insane! Michael and I were emailing back and forth, when he said I know we are having a hard time but there are people are having worse problems then we are. AGAIN, this rubbed me the wrong way considering I didn't think WE were having problems, I just missed him terrible. I explained this to him, and he said he didn't mean we were having problems - he was thankful for having a wonderful wife and that our relationship was so strong. How sweet.

After school I went bowling with a few other teachers, we drank beer and had a great time. I then met my bestest for margaritas at the local Mexican restaurant. I miss her, even if she is a half hour away! We need to get together more. A wonderful end to a very long day!

I don't mean to get snippy with Michael, I just get very annoyed very easily. I explained to him I have good days and bad days, and today just happened to be a day where I missed him very much, so it was a bad day. Soon, we will be together and I can't wait. 30 days....

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