Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just Another Day

It has been a really good vacation so far! Saturday was spent celebrating a friends birthday, Monday I got Michael's car fixed ($500 later....thank you Honda), and Tuesday I met a good friend for drinks at the local Mexican restaurant. Now comes one part of the break I am dreading - Christmas Eve and Christmas. If you know me, then you know this is my absolute favorite holiday. I decorate a month in advance, love wrapping presents and love waking up on Christmas morning - I swear I am a 5 year old sometimes.

This year I have felt different for obvious reasons. Tonight in church, Michael won't be next to me, I won't get to open our presents together tomorrow morning, or go to our families houses together to celebrate. I haven't felt in the spirit at all this year, partly because I didn't want to do it without Mike. It's not fair that he cant' be here - I feel so bad for him mostly. At least I can still do the traditions, even if he isn't here. Poor Michael has to work tomorrow.

In the end, it's just another day, and we will be one day closer.

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