Saturday, December 6, 2008

Boots on the Ground

Well, my Friday did not start off too good. I ran to the copier before students came, was gone MAYBE two minutes, and when I came back, I realized I left my phone there - no big deal, Michael normally doesn't call until 9:00 or so. But there it was - what I had dreaded - the 'Missed Call' message and "1 new voicemail." Of course - I had missed him by one minute. It was awful. I e-mailed right away, telling him to call back, I was there now, and I even tried to call back but apparently you can't call Kuwait.

I waited all day, all last night - no phone call, no e-mail, it was miserable. I woke up every hour, checking the Blackberry to see if I had a new e-mail, but no. Not until 8:00 this morning, when I received an e-mail telling me that he had called just to say he loved me and they were moving out. The unit flew into Iraq in the early morning, and arrived safely at their location. He is currently moved into his room and is getting settled. I have to say I did breath a sigh of relief - flying in Iraq is dangerous, and half a world away, there is nothing I can do but pray. We are one step closer to him coming home - not to mention, Michael will be happier now since Kuwait sucked!

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