Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wonderful Week!

Only two days of school! What more could a teacher ask for? The kids were crazy, of course, but they did a great job of getting through it and presenting their projects before they left for break. A five day week - what in the world will I do with myself?

I got a lot accomplished today - grading all my papers, planned for next week so I don't have to do anything on vacation, stopped at the base to pick up my new ID (AND got there as a plane was landing!! I thought of you Michael...yes I'm a dork!), and am finished one more class. ONLY 1 MORE NIGHT OF CLASS TO GO!

I have to finish this week's class work, and then my last big paper. I am hoping I will be finished by Thursday! That means I have to summarize 14 chapters in two days, think I can do it?

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