Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Bucs!

So last night, I wrote that I was taking tickets at the local high school playoff football game. I graduated from the school six years ago, and our football program was decent, but we never made the playoffs. In fact, it had been 34 years since the team had done so. They finished first in the conference, which gave them a first round bye. The semi-final game was last night, when they played an up-state team.

The beginning of the game started with a white-out snow squall that game through. It was insane! My feet were so cold they physically hurt! I don't know how the boys did it. The game ended 45 - 14 Bucs! I know everyone is so excited that the team will be going to a CHAMPIONSHIP game!

Michael would love this if he were here, and I am so sad he can't see it. He e-mailed me this morning and said they were doing well, but it kills me not to be able to just pick up the phone and call him! But another day has passed!

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