Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Growing Boy!

We had an appointment at my high risk OB yesterday. I was anxious because I really wanted Patrick to be much bigger just in case he needs to make an early appearance.

I got my wish...he is measuring around 4 pounds 9 ounces! Right on target and perfect. The amniotic fluid measured perfectly, the blood flow was great and all of his measurements were right on target. The Doc even said she saw some hair on his head when she scanned him!

I couldn't ask for better news. I explained everything that has happened recently with the test results and BP. she reviewed everything, took my BP (which was FINE at her office) and said that I shouldn't worry. Patrick is perfect and I feel great and as long as everything is going well, we are still fine!

Now if I can just convince my other Doctor of that on Friday!

1 comment:

Sal said...

Yay! That is great news! Text me Friday after your appt. :) Love you!