Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I hardly every make resolutions. Mainly because by the time March roles around they have long been forgotten. This year I actually took the time to sit and think about it for a minute. What did I want to achieve or change this year? What goals could I have for myself?

2011 is going to bring so many changes into our lives, ones that I look forward to. The birth of our son is obviously top on the list. I can't wait to meet the little man, especially because I am tired of going to the restroom all the time!

I have a Type A personality. My mind is constantly running a list of things that I need to complete, or events that are coming up. I will wake up at 2 in the morning to use the restroom and then lay awake thinking about events for the next day. I almost have to tell my mind to STOP and go to sleep. Because of this, one of my goals is to RELAX. I think I have always done a good job of leaving work at work, but I also teach college courses so when one of those is taking place, I am constantly online checking on them (Not being THAT teacher, just making sure they are ok and all of my wording on things is clear and they know what is expected).

I need to learn that I cannot control everything in my life (as much as I want to). Whatever is going to happen, will, and there is nothing I can do about it. The most I can do is the best I can everyday, and leave everything else up to His will. I did this with teaching at the new school and it has worked out in my favor. (Yes, I still worried, but I thought I did a pretty good job).

With the arrival of Patrick I want to slow down and cherish my family. Facebook will be limited, blogging will be limited. It is the first summer in 12 years that I have off. I plan on taking time for myself for a change and really relaxing. Spending as much time as possible with Patrick, unplugging from the world and taking day trips with my new family of three and documenting everything on film. Telling my husband more that he is appreciated (even when I am hormonal).

I want to start taking better care of myself. This includes RELAXING, getting rid of the stress I put on myself to be as accomplished as possible and perfect in everything I do, getting a good post baby workout going, and eating better. Of course I can't wait to enjoy my glass of wine again. That isn't going anywhere.

I don't know if these are resolutions, or even if any of this makes sense. I feel like it's a jumbled mess, but this is what I hope to accomplish this year. Wish me luck!

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