Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taking Things for Granted

Michael has been home almost a year. Can you believe it? I can't? This time last year I was going through the hardest part of the deployment, thinking it would never get here, praying he came home safe, and then he did.

With all of the news coverage of celebrities and there disaster of a life and ridiculous behavior, it's hard to remember sometimes why we are here and to be thankful for everything we have. Every once in awhile I stop myself for a minute and look at my husband and remember how thankful I am to have him home, safe, mind and body. It is truly amazing.

With that being said, I saw this on a friends FB page and thought it was worthy of posting:

Can you believe the coverage being given to a spoiled 20-something year old Lindsey Lohan?

Here are a few 20 year olds worth knowing about:

Justin Allen, 23
Brett Linley, 29
Matthew Weikert, 29
Justus Bartett, 27
Dave Santos, 21
Chase Stanley, 21
Jesse Reed, 26
Matthew King, 23
Christopher Goeke, 23
Sheldon Tate, 27

They gave their lives in the service of their country this week.

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