Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just Set It Up FOR Me!

I don't claim to be a technical person. Yes, I have a Master's in Applied Technology, but that's in EDUCATION, big difference from some of these crazy everyday gadgets they have now. I resist jumping right in to anything new because sometimes I just wonder if it's really worth it. Then, I slowly get sucked in.

Take for example the Nook by Barnes and Noble. I love to read. I can sit down a read a book in a day if I really wanted to. It drives my husband crazy. I will go to Target or some other store, see a book that peaks my interest, buy it, and finish it in 24 hours. My husband has begged me to get a membership to our library as it would be much cheaper. He wanted to buy me the Nook for Christmas, and I said NO. I just couldn't imagine not actually holding a real book to read. What fun would that be? Then I caved. Part of the reason was because the books are frequently much cheaper...at least half the price sometimes! As much as I read, I would make up the price of the Nook in no time. Slowly I fell in love.

I think part of the problem is that I am intimidated. I mean how many contraptions do you really need on a phone? I just want to call for the love of pete. Once again, my husband convinced me to get the Blackberry so I could receive e-mail anywhere while he was deployed. I said I would get rid of it when he came home. That was almost 8 months ago and I still have it an all it's apps. Just when I was getting used to it though, I was up for a new phone. And so the great debate began, Blackberry again or Droid?

Again I resisted the Droid because I knew nothing about it and I already knew how to use the BB. Of course, I lost this battle as well and now my Droid is finally here. I am sure it is cool and all, but until I figure it out, I could care less. My husband, on the other hand, couldn't wait to open the box. I went to work, and he set it up. I wanted nothing to do with it! I am sure once I figure it out I will love it, but until then, as long as I can make phone calls it's good enough!

Anyone else have the Droid? Any good apps you might suggest?

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