Thursday, July 16, 2009

Will I Every get out of School?

The answer to that is 'no.' Technically because I will be teaching in one for the next 26 years, but also because I just can't seem to get away from taking classes to get a pay raise, umm, I mean further my education.

Anyway, I graduated with my Master's last winter and swore I would take a break. That lasted all of one month when I decided I would get my +15 credits. I have decided to do it in Educational Technology as it is 5 classes and would give me the 15 credits easily. About a month ago, Michael forwarded me an e-mail that detailed a program that would give me money to go to school while Michael was deployed. This money is only good up to 180 days after he comes home, which means I need to have these five classes done by Spring Block 1.

Here's where it gets tricky, there is a pre-req that I tried to take last year, but isn't being offered until this Fall. I emailed that professor in charge of the program asking if it would be possible if I took another class while take this pre-req (I explained the money situation and why I needed to finish so quickly). She then proceeded to tell me because of the 'rigor' of the program, they only allow students to take one class per block. I have never heard of such a thing, but trust me I can do it.

She proceeded to go on and on for about 10 minutes about how rigorous the program was, and I needed to understand this, and I couldn't argue with my grade, what I got was what I got. It was so ridiculous I put her on speak so my Mom could hear. I then proceeded to explain to her that I always took 18 credits (the max), worked THREE jobs and students taught and still graduated summa cum laude. She obviousy doesn't know anything about me and my OCD tendencies.

Anyway, long story short, she is letting me double up each block and finish by Spring. She is also my professor for two of the classes. She made it clear that she is very strict and follows the rubric to a T, so if I got a 'C' I couldn't complain.

Bring it.


Courtney said...

Obviously she has never heard of the infamous Kelly Simon Sharp -- take her down!!!

Robin said...

I can not wait for this showdown to ensue!

Sal said...

This lady doesn't know who she is dealing with!