But on to the good stuff!
Dear Patrick,
Double digits! What a big boy! Before we know it, you are going to be a year old! This month you started to pick up more food on your own and feed yourself! You are walking all over the place, behind your toys of course, and you love to walk around hanging on to the furniture. You are getting to be a daredevil, and hang on using only one hand- I think you will be standing on your own soon!
You weigh 20 pounds and are 28 inches long. You are in some 9 month clothes (which fit perfectly) and 12 month clothes. You wear a size 3 diaper, but that is getting a little snug. You wear a size 4 at night and I think we are going to switch to a size 4 during the day too, but we have a lot of size 3 left (thanks to Mommy’s planning) so we are trying to use as many of those as we can first! You wear size 2 to 3 shoe, but would rather not wear any at all!
You are still nursing (Yay!). You eat anywhere from 10 to 16 ouches during the day at daycare, and then you nurse when I get home from work, during the night, and before I go to work in the morning. You are still eating oatmeal in the morning and then a variety of food for lunch and dinner. You have eaten pieces of chicken, turkey, green beans, peas, cheese, avocado, bananas, crackers, and so much more. You love everything!
For a while this month you were only waking up once a night, but this past week you have woken up two times a night. I think it may be because you are going through a growth spurt. The good news is on the weekend you normally sleep until 7 or a little later! Daddy and I love that!
You love all of your toys! Recently Nana got out a wooden car and you love pushing that around on the floor. Your favorite thing these days is chasing Nana’s cat BC. You see him and take off after him. BC tries to run away but you are pretty quick and catch up, squealing the whole time. It is very cute. Rocky is one of your best friends. He lays in your room at night by your crib, and during the day he lets you crawl all over him. Now that you are eating pieces of food he waits at the foot of your high chair for anything you drop. You are still saying Momma and Dadda and will copy, or try to, any noises we make. I am working on getting you to say, “I Love You,” now.
Patrick, you are such a happy little boy and we love you so very much. We can’t imagine life without you and can’t wait to see what the next month brings.
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