Thursday, June 23, 2011


So just when I thought I would get back into the swing of blogging, once again it will be disrupted. Our house was rented! We still have to sign the contract, but I am so sure of it I have started packing. That means that we will be moving in with my parents (gasp! - Don't worry, we all get along great, seriously!) and then we will BEGIN BUILDING OUR HOUSE!! YAY!

I am so excited, but I really wish we could just move into it. These next 8 months are going to be long. I am not excited about packing, or doing it in ONE WEEK. Yes, that's right. We have until July 1. So much for the nice notice! Oh well. Luckily Michael comes home from school tomorrow so he can help!

One thing I am NOT looking forward to is parting with our one dog and two cats :( Rocky is coming with us to my parents house because he just can't part with Momma :). The other three are going to Michael's parents because my poor Dad would die of an allergic reaction if we had all of them there. I just hope they adjust ok. Titan will be just fine, but the cats I worry about. I just hope our construction company builds fast so I don't have to worry about it.

So for the next week you won't hear from me. Hopefully after that there will be many house updates and Patrick updates! Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Robin said...

That's great! Good luck with packing...I know you will get it done! :)