Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Change My Mind

This weekend, our area is slated to have 18 - 24 inches of snow. Really?! I love snow, so I was so excited to hear this. I figure if we get that much, there will be a State of Emergency, and we won't even have to make up the days we have off from school!

Not to mention, I get to spend all those days curled up on the couch with my husband, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate, and all those great snow day activities.

Think again.

My wonderful Army husband has been called in to be in Command during that time. So now, he has to report at 4 tomorrow, and Lord only knows when he will be home due to the snow! I know, I know, 30 minutes away is nothing compared to Iraq, so I should be thankful, but I bitter.

Instead of spending a wonderful, cozy weekend with my husband, I will be all by myself :( Yes, it could be worse, but I am being selfish. So now I change my mind, I don't want the snow...they can keep it.

If anyone is brave enough to go out, be careful!

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