Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another Lovely FRG Meeting

Tonight we had an information session with our FRG. I have to say I was super excited and have been waiting for this meeting. It was VERY informative, and I especially loved listening to the soldier who will be with my husbands unit while they demob at the base. He was full of so much information - what to expect, when they are coming in, when we will be able to know a final date, etc.

Of course, there was the person who is also in charge of something family related, who stood up and told that we should be prepared for our soldier to be tired after traveling and not be upset if they aren't excited. Really? You think my husband, who has been gone for a year, won't show some emotion of being happy he is in the continental US? She went on for five minutes about it and all I really wanted to do was tell her to shut her effing mouth because her husband hasn't been gone for the last year, so she has no right to lecture me about how my husband will be feeling.

Other than that, it was an exciting meeting. I honestly, and surprisingly, found myself near tears many times just thinking about how great it will be when my husband marches onto that field. I can't wait.

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