Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Morning Came

Last night, as we were laying in bed, I told Michael I couldn't sleep, and he asked why, I said because I didn't want to. I figured it would take longer for today to get here. Michael's response, "As much as I don't want it to come, the morning is coming." And here we are. I am just 2 hours and 45 minutes away from taking him to the unit. I have held it together pretty good - until today that is. He bought me roses, which of course made me cry, then he gave me three of my favorite movies and the new Nicholas Sparks book I wanted. The card I can't even talk about without tearing up. I read in a deployment handbook that no matter how long you prepare for it, the moment of departure will always be filled with emotion. I am dreading this moment. He has to report by 12 am, with the buses leaving at 3 am. It is going to be a long night.

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