Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ice Cube

This is what I am right now. Our hockey game just got over, and even though it is only October, it is COLD in the North!!! I am trying to de-thaw before round 2 of the Phillies! I am proud to report they were victorious as of 12:03 last night (or should I say, this morning!) I have been having problems falling asleep since Michael left, so staying up this late wasn't as hard as I thought it would be! Now on two Game 2, hopefully I can do it again tonight. I am not really teaching this week anyway since my kids have the state test. A little bit of coffee and I should be good to go. Besides, it's the WORLD SERIES!!!

I am also proud to report that as of today, I have successfully completed 30 credits towards my Master's! (This is a pay raise, so I am stoked) I also have a 4.0 average, better than my husbands 3.67 HA. I have one class to go that starts on Tuesday, and to finish my BIG paper. I am happy to report that on my BIG paper I only have to write a conclusion, make a few graphs, and do a table of contents. I plan on being finished by Sunday! WOW. I will graduate in December, and even though Michael has also graduated and likes to say he did it first - our diploma's will have the same date. Nice try Hon. Exciting times around here. I am happy to say it's been a good week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WhooHooo -- show Kel the $$$!!!