Friday, December 23, 2011


Well, we made it! Winter break is finally here! I must say I really need this break and time with little man. He is growing up so fast, it is breaking my heart.

School this year is .... interesting. I really do like my students (don't teachers HAVE to say that?!) There is one or two that REALLY test my patience, and sometimes they require me to drink, but I guess that comes with the territory. I just really wish parents would understand what teachers go through every day. They seriously have no idea. Some days I feel like more of a babysitter than a teacher. Then there are days when I am greeted by their smiling little faces and I remember why I chose this profession.

Hopefully this break will recharge me and I can return with more patience and ready to teach 22 9 and 10 year olds.

I can't wait to spend these 10 days with Patrick. I feel like I a missing so much while I am at work, even though I know he is in good hands. His face lights up when he sees the kids everyday, and he really does love it. I am blessed to have him in such a good daycare, but I still feel guilty everyday when I kiss him goodbye. I just keep telling myself that I am providing for my child and doing what is best for his future. It just helps me to not take for granted the time when I get home from work and the weekends. I cherish those times together. Love that little boy.

Over the next week or so I plan on resting, recharging and spending precious time with my family. And perhaps wrapping a few presents before Christmas!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Girl! It's the truth. Parents don't seem to get what we go through. They don't think about multiplying their kids bad behavior by 22 to get an idea of what we deal with. My parents got me a t-shirt for Christmas that says "You can't scare me, I'm a teacher!". It's sad, but so true!! I miss you and I'm glad you had a good Christmas! Love ya!