Wednesday, October 12, 2011

6 Month Stats!

We finally had big man's 6 month appointment! He is getting so big: 17 pounds and is 26.5 inches long. I am so proud of...ME! HA. When he was first born, I said I would feed him for as long as I could, no big deal. Then when we hit June, I said I would go until school started. Then school started, and I said 6 months. Well, here we are at 6 months and we are still going strong. I don't foresee me being one of those crazies nursing him at 2 years, don't worry kids! But for now, we are just playing it by ear and see how it goes!

I need to post a picture of him from daycare, but my phone is dead :( I will post it when I have time!

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