Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So two nights ago, after Patrick's doctors appointment, I decided that I would try to get him to sleep in his crib. I have seen how Michael reacts to him when he cries or whines, so I knew that I was the one that was going to have to accomplish this great feat!

I have been sleeping on the couch next to his swing, so I decided I would continue to sleep on the couch with the monitor right next to my ear and transfer him to his bedroom and his swing. The first night, he fussed for about 30 minutes when I put him down. Now, before I get yelled at, he was NOT screaming or full out crying. He was just making his baby noises and would let it one single cry every once in awhile. I also made sure he was in a clean diaper and not hungry so I wasn't depriving him of anything.

After the 30 minutes of fussing and making noises he was knocked out. He slept from 10:30 until 3:30. After being fed and changed I put him back down and he was knocked out again! He didn't even make noises! He slept until 8:45. How about that!

Last night, we did the same routine. This time he fussed for about an hour, but then again was knocked out and slept until 3:15 and then again until 7:30.

I. Couldn't.Be.Prouder.

Even though it was hard to listen to him make his noises when I know that if he was in his swing he would be perfectly quiet, but I know that it would make my life so much easier in the long run. He got a great nights sleep and so did I. Happy baby = happy mommy!

Hopefully this trend continues!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I think this sounds like you are doing an excellent job!