Friday, October 15, 2010

13 Weeks

Well, the little munchkin is at 13 weeks and is roughly 2 inches long, and weighs....well, hardly anything! This week, the baby has fingerprints and his body is finally catching up with his head. I have to say, in the ultrasound, his big head did take up a majority of the picture. I guess he takes after his Dad! (Love you Michael.)

I am still feeling great! I still can't tell if my stomach is actually getting bigger or not. Every week I swear this is the week that I will notice a difference in the picture because I definitely feel bigger, at least by the end of the day. Then we take the picture, and my sweet husband says, "Yes, you can tell now!" Of course, when I go back and compare from the previous week I can't tell a damn thing! Ahhh. Everyone has told me enjoy it, because before you know it I won't be able to see anything south of the border! As long as the baby is healthy and growing, I don't care!

Because of my high blood pressure at my Dr's visits, I have the pleasure of peeing in a jug and collecting all of it for 24 hours! I am sure my husband will love opening the refrigerator and seeing that on Sunday! HA. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

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