Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

What does Memorial Day mean to you? To many it means an extended weekend, or the start of summer, or a weekend getaway at the shore. To many military families, it means so much more.

Memorial day is the day that we remember our fallen heroes; those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

What Heroes Gave
by : Roger J. Robicheau (U.S. Army)

Each donned their uniforms
To be defenders of our liberty
Their mission sure, their spirits bright,
Guard freedom's home, be brave, to fight,
On final day they faced their call,
Each gave their best enduring all,
We'll never know what they went through,
But know they loved this country true,
Deep down inside we all should feel,
What heroes gave, their cost so real,
We must stay thankful, grateful of
The gift of freedom through their love,
Their loved ones bore the greatest pain,
What we can't now, some now sustain,
To God I pray their pain will cease,
And each will find long-lasting peace,
Remember this from year to year,
What heroes gave shouldn't disappear,
We'll never let their special day
Their time for honor slip away
These brave fought for a nation free,
If not for them, where would we be?

I am very thankful to have my soldier home safe this Memorial Day, but our thoughts are still with our friends that are overseas and those who are gearing up to go.

As you have your BBQ's and cold beverages, while being with loved ones and friends, take at least a minute of your weekend to remember those who gave all and those still apart from their loved ones fighting overseas for our freedom.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

The unofficial start to summer is here! This means that not only do I have Monday off, but I also have only 3 1/2 days with the little kids left! Of course this is bittersweet. I NEED summer vacation like you wouldn't believe, but I will miss my students (Even if they have driven me crazy this past week!)

While America is sitting in traffic driving to the shore, or getting a tan on the sand, I will be working all weekend. Blah. I haven't had a day off in 22 days but who's counting? I do have Sunday off, so hopefully I can catch some sun then!

Wishing everyone a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

No Contact

I guess I should make that contactS, for at least a week. I visited my eye doctor back in January and received a prescription for my new contacts. I wear monthly disposables, and I normally order them for the year since my insurance covers it all in one shot.

By April, my right eye was bothering me. My eye didn't hurt necessarily, but I felt uncomfortable when my contact was in. It wasn't as though I couldn't wear it, but it was annoying all day. I didn't have very clear vision in that eye, and every once in while it would just start watering. Annoying.

I tried to just put it off, thinking it was the contact itself. So I changed the contact, but to no avail. So, reluctantly I called in today for an appointment, thinking I could get in before my cruise (I want to be able to read the drink menu clearly!). Shockingly, they fit me in TODAY! When I met with the Doc, I tried to explain the situation, and she set about examining my eyes. She told me that my right contact had a tear and asked me to take them out. I did, and didn't see a tear (I really thought I was going crazy at this point) She said it was microscopic (Apparently I should have a microscope at home), and then wanted to check my eyes without the contacts.

She informed me that I had an abrasion on my right eye and was shocked I could wear the contacts at all. (Having a high threshold for pain could come in handy later I guess) I have no idea how this happened, but it had to have happened awhile ago and the tear in the contact was a coincidence since I had just changed them and the annoyance has been happening for quite awhile. Anyway, at the end of the appointment I have to have drops 4 times a day to prevent infection, and no contacts for at least a week, until she sees me again. I haven't worn glasses out of the house since high school (Unless I am feeling very lazy). It should be an interesting week, especially since I have to work at the restaurant all weekend.

I think I should get laser surgery and never have to worry about lenses again? Could this be a birthday present? ;)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today marks the end of a great TV show: Lost. I have to admit that I did not watch the first two or three years. The smoke monster scared me, and as a general rule I don't watch scary things. (Yes, I am a big baby, The Haunted Mansion in Disney scares me).

I started watching about three years ago and got hooked! It drives me crazy how I am left every week feeling more confused then I was the week before. The constant questions of 'What is going on?' and 'Where are they?' plague me, but I love it! You love to hate some of the characters, and other characters you love (Jin and Sun...who doesn't love them?) You find yourself rooting for the 'good' guys and yelling at the TV. It has been an amazing journey.

I have been waiting all season to get my questions answered, and tonight is finally the night. I just hope it actually answers my questions and I am not left hanging. I better find out what or where the damn island is, and what exactly is going on!

Are you going to be watching?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 Years!

It has been two years since I started this blog! I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday Michael and I talked about starting one so he could keep in touch with family and friends while he was deployed, and look what it turned into! Instead of him being able to write, I used it as an outlet for frustration, happiness, and sadness while he was gone.

I never thought that I would still be doing this two years later, but I have to say I love it! It still allows me to vent if I need to, or share exciting news or funny stories. I love looking back at old posts and remembering how it felt writing those. I went back and looked at my first post which chronicled how I found out Michael was deploying. I remember thinking that we still had a few months to go before he left, but I knew we needed to cherish every moment. Now I can't believe that whole year went by so fast!

Amazing where you can be in two years. Imagine where we will be two years from now!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reasons to Love Teaching

Besides the adorable kids and their funny comments, FIELD TRIPS! Today we are going here :

The City of Brotherly love! This is my favorite place in the world! I have always loved the city, and it does help that my entire family is there as well.

Don't worry, I'm not letting the 9 and 10 year olds loose in the city, instead they are visiting historic Philly! We were smart this year and asked that every child take a chaperone with them. I cannot tell you how relieved this makes me! While I love visiting the city, I remain on pins and needles until every kid gets back on the bus and we are headed down 95. Luckily, since all but two of my students have chaperones, I am free all day to walk around by myself (in case of emergencies), and be a little less stressed.

Not only do I have a trip today, but tomorrow, myself and two other teachers are taking a group of students to an economics competition, which means I am out of school again! This week is turning out to be pretty good!

Now, lets hope all 22 kids and their parents can find their way around and get back on the bus, AND I make it home in time for class. Oh the craziness that is my life. How many days until that cruise?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Titan!

Our first 'baby' turns 9 today! Michael bought him because he was born the day he left for basic training....I guess it was a sign! Now the little boy is 9! He isn't any bigger then he was 8 years ago, but he makes up for his size by his bark. Even poor Rocky is scared of him. He celebrated today by getting a special bone and brand new bandanna!

I swear our dogs can smile! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE BOY!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where are You?

This weekend is drill weekend, so Michael is away most of the day. Poor Rocky gets so sad :

He will sit by this door, or lay on the couch downstairs all day until he gets home. When Michael deployed, it took a good month before he finally would come lay upstairs with me while I was home.

Poor thing. Such devotion.
How can you not love that face? He just looks so darn happy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh Kids

The school district Michael and I work in has a strict no cell phone policy. Since I teach the little ones, I rarely have this problem, while Michael teaching middle school, constantly deals with this issue. Recently he had a student who's cell phone went off in class. He confiscated it and told her to see him after class. The conversation went a little like this:

Husband : Why do you have you cell phone on you? You know it's a write up.
Girl : Yes, I'm sorry.
Husband : Why was it on? At least have it off.
Girl : It was off, the static electricity in my pocket turned it on.

Really? Needless to say, my husband handed the phone back and sent the girl on her way without a write up.

Pretty clever, and funny response.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Military Appreciation Day

Ok, so I'm a few days late, but it still counts! I found the following and thought it was very poignant:

When God Created the Military Wife

When the Lord was creating a military wife He ran into His sixth day of overtime. An angel appeared and said, "You're having a lot of trouble with this one. What's wrong with the standard model?"

The Lord replied, "Have you seen the specs on this order? It has to be completely independent but must always be sponsored to get on a military installation. It must have the qualities of both mother and father during deployments, be a perfect host to 4 or 40, handle emergencies without an instruction manual, cope with flu and moves all around the world, have a kiss that cures anything from a child's bruised knee to a husband's weary days, have the patience of a saint when waiting for its mate to come home and, have six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of hands? No way." The Lord answered, "Don't worry; we will make other military wives to help. Besides, it's not the hands that are causing the problem, it's the heart. It must swell with pride, sustain the ache of numerous separations while remaining true, beat soundly even when it feels too tired to do so, be large enough to say 'I understand' when it doesn't, and say 'I love you', regardless.

"Lord," said the angel, gently touching His sleeve. "Go to bed. You can finish it tomorrow." "I can't," said the Lord. "I'm so close to creating something quite unique. Already it can heal itself when sick, on a moment's notice it will willingly embrace and feed total strangers who have been stranded during a PCS move and it can wave goodbye to its husband understanding why he had to leave."

The angel circled the model of the military wife very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed.

"But tough," the Lord said excitedly. "You cannot imagine what this being can do or endure."

"Can it think?" asked the angel. "Can it think?! It can convert 1400 to 2 p.m.," replied the Lord.

Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. "There's a leak," she said. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model." It's not a leak," said the Lord. "It's a tear." "What's it for?" asked the angel. "It's for joy, sadness, pain, loneliness and pride." "You're a genius," said the angel.

Looking at her somberly, the Lord replied, "I didn't put it there."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh Sweet Summer

How I long for thee! Last night was my first night back at the restaurant. Last summer, while Michael was gone, I didn't care how much I worked, I would volunteer to stay longer if needed, and was happy to be out of my lonely house.

Now my house isn't lonely! My husband is home, and I would be lying if I said I looked forward to going in. I LOVE the money, don't get me wrong. I make, on average, more then I would teaching for those three months in the summer. And I don't have to take any work home with me, no lesson plans or papers to grade. It is a great summer job. Last night, I struggled to get into work. Once I was there, I was fine. I did miss all of the people I work with, and dealing with some crazy customers. Once again, the money didn't disappoint!

I go in again tonight, and am scheduled to work the next two weekends, which means I don't have a day off for the next three weeks! Not to mention, class starts up again this week. The only good part is I am only taking one, so that should be a bit easier!

Have I mentioned I am ready for summer?
18 school days
45 days until the cruise

Come on summer!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Mess with Philly

Philly fans have long been known for their, shall we say, excitement for their sports. We were the only stadium to actually have a jail inside of it in order to process fans that displayed their 'excitement' a little too enthusiastically.

Hell, we even booed Santa. Who does that? Philly.

In order to fully understand it, you definitely have to experience it. We live and die with our teams, and stay with them through the years, good or bad. I grew up watching Lenny Dykstra, Darren Daulton and John Kruk. I watched them when they were horrendous, and then literally cried when they won the World Series in 2008 (then cussed out the TV when the stupid Yankees beat us last year....I loathe the Yankees, along with any other team that isn't from Philly, but especially THEM)

With that being said, it was no surprise when a fan, who ran on the field during the 8th inning of the Phillies game got tasered. You may gasp and say, "Was it really necessary?" People are questioning whether the use of a taser was excessive force.

NO. He interrupted the game for crying out loud. If you are going to do that, at least do something cool. Don't run around like an idiot while security guards chase you. He even called his Dad BEFORE he did it to let him know. What an IDIOT. In all honesty, this kid had it coming, and I don't feel like the least bit sorry.

Now, back to the game.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back in the Swing

This past week, my husband and I have started running again. Last year, while he was gone, we trained for the Army 10-Miler (in different countries, yes, but still...). I was up to about 6 miles, feeling pretty good, when he told me that he might not be home in time to run.

I think my training ended right then and there.

I have run since, but not to the extent I was running and with no schedule whatsoever. A mile here, a mile there, always feeling like I was going to die since I was no where near in shape.

We have decided to push each other, or at least try. I have run the last three days, with a rest day tomorrow and I feel great. A little sore, but otherwise not bad! Hopefully we can keep it up. Running during the school year is always hardest because I am a morning workout person. When I get home from work I really don't feel like doing anything, but with school, I would have to get up around 5:30 to get a run in. That. Isn't. Happening. If I could just push it back to 7, I would be fine, but that hour and a half just won't cut it.

We have been running after school, and so far so good. Luckily, school is almost over and there is a cruise and lots of picture taking to motivate us!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The 'Bubbies' are BACK

Although I can't stand most reality TV, I am in love with The Real Housewives series on BRAVO. I really can't explain it. Maybe it's because most of these women have nothing to worry about except where they are going shopping next, or have absolutely no sense of what it's like in the 'real world.'

Of all the series, the one set in New Jersey is my favorite. I am quite partial to their Jersey accents and hair. I think it's probably because I can relate to them the most. My family is Italian, so I understand their close family relationships, and Caroline's sense of "If you're going to mess with my family, you're going to mess with me." LOVE IT. My best friend and I have referred to our 'girls' as 'bubbies' and when they did it on the show, I lost it! Perhaps this is why it's my favorite!

Last season included trips to Atlantic City, some plastic surgery to enhance the 'bubbies,' hilarious sexual innuendos, Italian tempers, the revelation of a book about one of the girls who was arrested for prostitution 20 years ago (even though Danielle claims this is fabricated, I choose to believe otherwise as I have decided she is psycho and a royal B***), and some of the cutest, most spoiled kids ever!

I know some people can't stand this show (including my husband), but it's my way to escape for awhile, and laugh at other people. The other series show that even if you have all the money in the world, if you can't treat your significant others or friends with respect, then it doesn't matter. The Jersey series is more appealing to me because they are so fiercely loyal to their families and friends, even with all the drama.

I have waited patiently for it to come back on after last seasons finale, which included table flipping and screaming! Tomorrow, my wait finally comes to an end. I cannot wait to see what drama there will be this season!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Life is Good

It is May (finally!), and it is currently 88 degrees out....lovely!

The Phillies are currently winning
24 days of school left
41 days until Michael's birthday
52 days until mine
55 days until the cruise

Life couldn't be better!

Rocky also agrees, I swear he can smile!