Sunday, November 8, 2009

Disney FUN

So in 48 hours I will be in the Magic Kingdom! I need to get out of this place for awhile. When Michael came home on leave for two weeks in June, it was an amazing time. I didn't have to work for the first time since I was probably 16, and we slept in and did whatever we wanted.

That being said, it wasn't a vacation.

I was still here, and for two weeks, I dreaded the moment I would have to send him back to that sh**hole.

Tuesday morning, we will be on a flight out of here! As of today, one more person was added to our trip, which means I need to call tomorrow to add her to the room, add the meal plan and get another Christmas pass (Yes, we are going to a Disney Christmas party). I also need to finish all my work for class, finish packing and try to sleep before I get up at the butt crack of dawn.

Maybe I will feel better about all of this when my plane leaves the tarmac. Right now, I am frustrated at the work.

I may need a vacation from the vacation.

My husband already knows how I feel about this, so this post shouldn't be a surprise. Instead, he should be planning a trip to the Caribbean for me because I am such a great wife.

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