Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How Many Days until Spring Break?

When Christmas time rolled around, the thought of an extended amount of time off from school was scary. I would have more time to sit at home by myself and wish Michael to come home. Now that we are approaching Spring Break (time actually did go fast when I think about it), I cannot wait for it to be here. I always reach this point in the year...when my students are very restless and summer can't get here fast enough.

Why they don't have our state test later is a wonder to me. By taking it so early, it gives the students the idea that they are finished for the year. The BIG event they have planned for all year is over, or so they think. I remind them the BIG event of fourth grade is actually getting to move to fifth grade, but they don't like to hear that!

At least this weekends trip to NC for Bina's wedding will give me a bit of a break. Only a four day week as I get to take Friday off to travel...or, umm, be 'sick.'

Oh, and 16 days until Spring Break....

1 comment:

Sal said...

I feel you! We need a break so bad. I am also looking forward to seeing your hot ass this weekend.... :)