So yesterday, as I was running errands around town, I wanted to stop by the base so I could go to the Commissary (grocery store) and BX (base exchange - kind of like a Wal-Mart). I love driving on base, showing my makes me feel important. It's even better when Michael is home and he shows his ID because then he gets saluted - I have to say it makes me very proud of him, and when he doesn't get the salute I get very mad at the guard.
As you drive around the base it is very important that you drive EXACTLY the speed limit, and aren't on your cell phone as you will get a very large fine, and possibly your husband in trouble! This being said, I had finished my errands, and was driving very s l o w l y off the base, when suddenly I realized I couldn't leave the way I normally came in - the gate had been closed. I started to panic - there are only a few places I know how to get to on base, the commissary, the BX, where you get a new ID, and the registration office. Anywhere else is completely foreign to me. Since Michael had been e-mailing me, I decided to send him one back trying to get directions (It's a pretty big base). Meanwhile I am following people around base, hoping they are going to another gate to leave!
My loving husband did e-mail me back the directions, and also a friendly reminder to "Now get off your phone or you are going to get a $300 fine, I've told you that before." Clearly more worried about the fine then me being stuck on base. I guess it wouldn't be the worst place in the world. I did find the other exit and had a nice tour! As for me getting a ticket for being on my phone - it didn't happen this time, they can kiss my civilian a**.