Tuesday, June 3, 2008

End of the Year

It has been a very busy week here! Our students last day on Friday, and as I waved to the buses as they left the platform, I can't help but say I said a little prayer of thanks. I love my students, don't get me wrong, but we had some trying times this year! Even teachers need a vacation! Teachers are not finished until this Thursday, so Mike and I have a few days to go. I say any day without students is a day off. We have trainings and other meetings to attend, but all in all it isn't bad.

Mike will has drill on Saturday and Sunday so he will be coming home each night (YAY!). I don't know why, but I just sleep better when he is home. I hear every little noise throughout the house when he isn't there. Of course, Rocky is there to protect me! He even enjoys sleeping in Mike's place while he is away. I am sure I will be updating much more while Mike is away and I have time! Right now between work, my second job, and my Master's class, any spare time I have I like to actually spend with my husband.

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