Dear Patrick,
I don't think that I can fully describe how I feel about your first birthday! It is so hard to believe that one year ago today, you were placed in my arms after waiting 9 long months to meet you. To watch you grow over this past year is a blessing. This past month you have started to point at the objects or food that you want, or the people you want to go see. You still love to wave hello and goodbye to everyone you see, stranger or not! You also say 'Hi' and 'Hey' when we walk in the room!
You weigh around 21 pounds, and are probably 29 inches long. We go to the Doctor next week and will have your real numbers then. You wear size 4 diapers, and size 2 to 3 shoe, even though they often come off! You are in size 12 month clothing, but the pants are still a little long for you. I have a feeling that we are going to have to buy different size pants and shirts soon because the tops fit just fine!
You have nursed for an entire year! While it was hard work at times, I am so glad, and proud that I was able to feed you the best for a year. The past week we have started to mix in whole milk so we can transition you to that during the day. You like to drink out of your sippy cup and are slowly starting to wean yourself off a bottle. We know when you are done drinking because often times the sippy cup ends up on the floor! You are still a great eater! You eat everything we put in front of you, including a pepper I tried this month and pancakes! I can't wait to see your reaction to your cake at your birthday party.
You still get up once a night, but that is ok. I know when you are ready you will sleep through the night! I think once you switch to whole milk full time you will sleep all the way through. You do sleep in very well though, which I am thankful for. This month we had a two hour delay at school and we got to sleep the whole two hours because you didn't wake up until 8:00!
You absolutely love other children. I think that is why you love daycare so much! When we are in stores you sit and stare, or try to wave. Your favorite toys still include your ball, remote control and walker, but I am sure with your birthday there will be more to add to the list! You are such a speed demon around the house. You can even walk while holding on to just one of our hands. I am sure that walking by yourself is just around the corner. We are starting to see a stubborn streak in you! You constantly go after the dogs food, or the electrical outlets and when Daddy tells you 'No,' you point at him, shake your head, and go right back to it! I can't help but laugh!
Patrick, you have been such a blessing in our lives. God sent us such a perfect little angel, and we couldn't have asked for a sweeter, happier little boy. While I am sad that you are growing up so fast, I am so excited to see what you learn next. I know this next year will be just as exciting as the first. I am so proud to be your Mom.