I brought home papers to grade and some work to do, and where do you think it is? Still in my bag, which didn't even make it in the HOUSE!
I don't know what it is, but I just can't do work at home. I always made a promise to myself and my marriage that I wouldn't bring work home. I would spend every spare minute at school grading papers and finishing paperwork, but if it wasn't done at the end of the day, then too bad. It will still be there tomorrow.
My husband and I are two very busy people. Not only do we both teach, but we both coach sports and Michael has the Guard. We barely get to eat together between games and classes we take. This week, for example, the only night we will be able to actually cook dinner is Wednesday! He has class tonight, I have a game tomorrow, he has a game Wednesday, I have another game Thursday, and he has one on Friday, and then drill on the weekend. Wait, I just said he has a game on Wednesday. I guess that rules out that day too! It's very frustrating.
Because we normally leave the house by 7, and don't get home until 7:30, or sometimes later, the little time we do spend together needs to be actually spent together. I think that's why I never bring work home. I don't think it would be fair to him if I sat and did work all night. We need that time together even if it's just 10 minutes before we fall asleep at night.
My fellow teachers are always amazed that I don't take anything home, but to me, it isn't worth it. My family is much more important. Don't get me wrong, I care about my students and my job, but I will always put my husband first.
So tonight, my bad will stay in my car, and when my husband gets home from class we will spend some time together. I guess technically I could do the work before he gets home, but I have decided to be lazy until then! I need it after 8 hours with my crazy kids!